31 min

Ep 142 - Pivoting When Your Business Isn’t Working For You Start Scale Succeed

    • Entreprenariat

What to do when your product  business just isn’t working for you anymore?, this is where Kayley was a few months ago and she has reassessed and reflected on what she wants her brand and business to be and so she is pivoting and changing her business model. 

In this episodes she shares her journey of how she started,  the challenges she has faced and why she is pivoting to move forward with podcast host Nicole Higgins 

Some of the topics covered

Building a Brand with a Unique Selling Proposition:** Learn about Kayleigh's strategic shift towards a brand with an "always-in-stock" component, annual color changes, and seasonal drops.

Wholesale and Market Strategies:** Insight into Kayleigh’s plans to wholesale her brand, her preparation for trade shows, and why she chose to delay her participation to ensure brand readiness.

The Emotional Journey of Entrepreneurship:** Kayleigh discusses overcoming her fear of failure, redefining what failure means, and the personal pride she takes in managing her business alongside motherhood.

Strategic Pivots and Operational Changes:** Hear how Kayleigh handled challenges including subletting her store space, closing the playroom, and her plans to focus more on her own successful brand.

Future Aspirations and Current Projects:** Get a sneak peek into the upcoming launch of Kayleigh's new brand and the winter collection planned for September/October. 


Host Nicole Higgins 

The Buyer and retail coach 

Nicole Higgins Links 







Neon Digital Clicks 

Are you ready to scale your ecommerce store? Want to do it without having to wear yet another hat and become a digital marketing expert? This episode is brought to you by Neon Digital Clicks, THE paid-traffic partner for family and women’s e-commerce brands wanting to scale their stores from five figure to six figure months using Meta, Google and Klaviyo marketing services.  

Neon is offering listeners a FREE scaling audit worth £3000! 

So whether your sales have plateaued or you

’re looking for growth, this is a great opportunity to lift the lid on your biz and identify where the opportunities are hiding. 

Head to scaleandglow.com to discover just how much revenue you could scale your store to this year. 




What to do when your product  business just isn’t working for you anymore?, this is where Kayley was a few months ago and she has reassessed and reflected on what she wants her brand and business to be and so she is pivoting and changing her business model. 

In this episodes she shares her journey of how she started,  the challenges she has faced and why she is pivoting to move forward with podcast host Nicole Higgins 

Some of the topics covered

Building a Brand with a Unique Selling Proposition:** Learn about Kayleigh's strategic shift towards a brand with an "always-in-stock" component, annual color changes, and seasonal drops.

Wholesale and Market Strategies:** Insight into Kayleigh’s plans to wholesale her brand, her preparation for trade shows, and why she chose to delay her participation to ensure brand readiness.

The Emotional Journey of Entrepreneurship:** Kayleigh discusses overcoming her fear of failure, redefining what failure means, and the personal pride she takes in managing her business alongside motherhood.

Strategic Pivots and Operational Changes:** Hear how Kayleigh handled challenges including subletting her store space, closing the playroom, and her plans to focus more on her own successful brand.

Future Aspirations and Current Projects:** Get a sneak peek into the upcoming launch of Kayleigh's new brand and the winter collection planned for September/October. 


Host Nicole Higgins 

The Buyer and retail coach 

Nicole Higgins Links 







Neon Digital Clicks 

Are you ready to scale your ecommerce store? Want to do it without having to wear yet another hat and become a digital marketing expert? This episode is brought to you by Neon Digital Clicks, THE paid-traffic partner for family and women’s e-commerce brands wanting to scale their stores from five figure to six figure months using Meta, Google and Klaviyo marketing services.  

Neon is offering listeners a FREE scaling audit worth £3000! 

So whether your sales have plateaued or you

’re looking for growth, this is a great opportunity to lift the lid on your biz and identify where the opportunities are hiding. 

Head to scaleandglow.com to discover just how much revenue you could scale your store to this year. 




31 min