43 min

Ep. 84: Innovative Transformation: A Conversation with Guest Daniel Sims Leadership School

    • Développement personnel

Can you imagine turning a struggling local music festival into a half-billion-dollar enterprise? That's the compelling story of our guest today, Daniel Sims, a consultant, author, and a true leader in developing funding systems. Raised in Helena, Arkansas, Daniel’s journey from his modest roots in the nonprofit world to his current work in philanthropy and organizational change is nothing short of inspirational. He gives us an in-depth view of his innovative Allen Sims Transformational Model,...

Can you imagine turning a struggling local music festival into a half-billion-dollar enterprise? That's the compelling story of our guest today, Daniel Sims, a consultant, author, and a true leader in developing funding systems. Raised in Helena, Arkansas, Daniel’s journey from his modest roots in the nonprofit world to his current work in philanthropy and organizational change is nothing short of inspirational. He gives us an in-depth view of his innovative Allen Sims Transformational Model,...

43 min