16 min

Getting to know Swifts and Swallows The Warblers by Birds Canada

    • Nature

This bonus episode is all about getting to know swifts and swallows, those speedy aerial acrobats that make summer skies so lively. Rielle Hoeg joins us to help shed some light on these two groups of birds. You'll get pointers on how to tell them apart, and which species are present across Canada. We also learn about their population status and a cool new project in Atlantic Canada aiming to protect Bank Swallow habitats.Learn more about how you can help Aerial Insectivores across Canada. And...

This bonus episode is all about getting to know swifts and swallows, those speedy aerial acrobats that make summer skies so lively. Rielle Hoeg joins us to help shed some light on these two groups of birds. You'll get pointers on how to tell them apart, and which species are present across Canada. We also learn about their population status and a cool new project in Atlantic Canada aiming to protect Bank Swallow habitats.Learn more about how you can help Aerial Insectivores across Canada. And...

16 min