21 épisodes

HAIRPOD™ is where everyday people like you and me get real about hair loss and how to navigate life while getting their hair back! Hosted by Kevin Ralston, HAIRPOD™ uses vivid storytelling narratives to share true, authentic experiences to inspire, give hope, and break the stigma of hair loss!

HAIRPOD™ is more than just a podcast. It's a community and a movement where we celebrate diverse hair journeys. You will hear stories from kids, moms, dads, NASCAR champions, social media influencers, beauty pageant winners, high schoolers, and those who once hid their balding under a hat. Many of us are impacted by hair loss. Whether directly or indirectly, we are all impacted. Maybe you're seeing thinning and more hair on the bathroom floor, you've experienced hair loss due to heredity, or you have a family member who has; we all can relate.

Each weekly episode is designed to give you hope as we dive into the hair transformation stories of people like you! Subscribe today and share it with someone else you know who could benefit from it. Let's have some open, honest conversations about hair loss, give you hope for your hair transformation, and break the stigma once and for all.

HAIRPOD‪™‬ HairClub

    • Arts

HAIRPOD™ is where everyday people like you and me get real about hair loss and how to navigate life while getting their hair back! Hosted by Kevin Ralston, HAIRPOD™ uses vivid storytelling narratives to share true, authentic experiences to inspire, give hope, and break the stigma of hair loss!

HAIRPOD™ is more than just a podcast. It's a community and a movement where we celebrate diverse hair journeys. You will hear stories from kids, moms, dads, NASCAR champions, social media influencers, beauty pageant winners, high schoolers, and those who once hid their balding under a hat. Many of us are impacted by hair loss. Whether directly or indirectly, we are all impacted. Maybe you're seeing thinning and more hair on the bathroom floor, you've experienced hair loss due to heredity, or you have a family member who has; we all can relate.

Each weekly episode is designed to give you hope as we dive into the hair transformation stories of people like you! Subscribe today and share it with someone else you know who could benefit from it. Let's have some open, honest conversations about hair loss, give you hope for your hair transformation, and break the stigma once and for all.

    Claire Fullam | Living With Alopecia: What I've Learned

    Claire Fullam | Living With Alopecia: What I've Learned

    Hair loss can have a significant impact on mental health, but unfortunately, this is often not given the attention it deserves. To complicate matters, mental health issues such as stress can even be the trigger for conditions related to hair loss. In this episode of HairPod, we wrap up Mental Health Awareness Month by discussing the connection between mental health and hair loss with guest Claire Fullam, a trichologist from Dublin. Claire shares her story of living with alopecia, her struggles with addiction, and her journey to recovery. We hope her story provides inspiration and insight for those experiencing the emotional impact of hair loss. 
    Claire’s Story - Alopecia and the Birth of Claire Balding
                Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease that can cause rapid hair loss. It can be triggered by stress and can vary in intensity. Claire was hit hard and fast, losing most of her hair in less than two months. She tried all avenues and specialists, seeking a solution and explanation.  During this initial phase of her hair loss journey, Claire also launched her social media persona, “Claire Balding,” to share her story and empower others, while at the same time creating her own network of support. 
    It's Not Just Hair - Hair Loss, Trauma and the Path to Addiction
                Claire's hair loss was not only a result of the stress she was experiencing but also a contributor to it! Autoimmune disorders such as alopecia areata can be challenging to manage because of the vicious nature of the stress cycle. Struggling with the pressures of motherhood, life, and her newly discovered alopecia, Claire found herself slipping into substance abuse. She shares her story and transformation, highlighting the need for support and community. 
    Prioritizing Mental Health While Seeking Hair Loss Solutions
    Claire brings to light the emotional impact hair loss can have on the individual experiencing it. The pain of hair loss is difficult to understand for those who haven’t been there, but is a very real problem. Our hair is tied to identity, health, and security. The trauma of hair loss is real, and sometimes this only becomes apparent in hindsight. It is important to seek emotional support along the way. Claire shares how hearing others' stories has helped her and inspired her to share her experience with alopecia and addiction. 
    Follow Claire on Instagram
    Book a Free Consultation today!
    Thanks for listening to HairPod. We hope you enjoyed this episode. If you did, please leave us a rating or review wherever you get your podcasts. If you’d like to connect with us on social media to share your story, check us out on Instagram @HairClub. HairPod is a production of TSE Studios. Our theme music is from SoundStripe.

    • 22 min
    Heather Brooke | Growing Up with Trichotillomania

    Heather Brooke | Growing Up with Trichotillomania

    This week, I’m bringing back the amazing story of Heather Brooke, a beauty pageant winner, licensed counselor, and author of the children’s book, “Where Is My Hair? A Trichotillomania Story for Children”. Heather grew up with trichotillomania and now she treats patients who are dealing with this disorder. In this episode from the vault, Heather talks about how she came down with this condition, how it impacted her throughout her life, and how she supports others with their own journeys.
    Understanding Trichotillomania: A Lesser-Known Cause of Hair Loss
    Hair loss is a common issue that many people face, but not all hair loss is the same. Trichotillomania is a lesser-known disorder that causes individuals to compulsively pull out their own hair, often as a coping mechanism to deal with trauma or extreme stress. Unlike other forms of hair loss that may be due to medical conditions, hormonal changes, or genetics, trichotillomania is sometimes rooted in psychological distress. Heather, a beauty pageant competitor and therapist, shares her personal journey with trichotillomania stemming from childhood trauma. 
    Finding a Solution: Heather's Journey to Recovery
    For those dealing with trichotillomania, finding an effective solution can be a long and complicated process. Heather describes her journey through different types of treatment and medication, none of which provided a complete solution for her. Her preferred approach covers her bald spots, which also helps keep her from pulling her hair out in those spots as well so they have the opportunity to heal. This option not only concealed the effects of her trichotillomania but also instilled a newfound sense of confidence in Heather. She shares that seeing a full head of hair again was a transformative experience for her.
    Coping with Hair Loss: A Message of Hope
    Heather's story is a beacon of hope for others dealing with hair loss, whether due to trichotillomania or other reasons. She emphasizes that no one is alone in this struggle and encourages people to seek out solutions that work for them. As Heather has shown, solutions like hers can significantly improve one's quality of life by restoring both hair and confidence. Her journey underscores the importance of seeking help and exploring all available options. For those feeling lost and overwhelmed, Heather’s message is clear: there is hope, and effective solutions are within reach.
    Book a Free Consultation today!
    Check out Heather’s book, “Where Is My Hair?” on Amazon
    Thanks for listening to HairPod. We hope you enjoyed this episode. If you did, please leave us a rating or review wherever you get your podcasts. If you’d like to connect with us on social media to share your story, check us out on Instagram @HairClub. HairPod is a production of TSE Studios. Our theme music is from SoundStripe.

    • 19 min
    Lisette Davila | Hormonal Hair Loss

    Lisette Davila | Hormonal Hair Loss

    On this episode of HairPod, we dive into the compelling narrative of Lisette Davila’s experience with hair loss treatments and hormone replacement therapy. Hair loss can happen for a wealth of reasons, but in Lisette's case, the cause was a hormonal imbalance. It took years for her to pinpoint this, though looking back, there were many symptoms to suggest hormones were a culprit. Discover her challenges, the stigma she encountered, and the hope she found through her courageous pursuit of answers and solutions. 
    Confronting the Stigma:  Hair Loss Treatments For Women
    Lisette recounts the gradual onset of her hair loss, once boasting thick, spiral curls she was proud of. The subtle thinning eventually became an undeniable reality, which of course, prompted a cascade of self-consciousness and anxiety. She didn't know why she was losing her hair. Because of the stigma around female hair loss, she was left feeling isolated, confused, and frustrated. Lisette shares that she even received unsolicited comments from coworkers and friends that magnified her insecurities.
    Hormone Replacement Therapy and Female Hair Loss Solutions
    Lisette shares her experience with hormone replacement therapy. She had a hysterectomy in her early 30s, which coincided with the onset of her hair loss, but Lisette was initially unaware of the potential connection. Her doctor confirmed that hormonal imbalances could very well be contributing to her condition. Lisette noticed significant improvements in her overall well-being within just two weeks of beginning her therapy. It addressed various symptoms associated with hormonal changes, including fatigue, insomnia, and issues with the skin and nails. However, Lisette's hair loss persisted, prompting her to explore additional solutions such as HairClub's offerings. She shares her experience with HairClub and the Trichoview hair analysis system. 
    Health, Hope, and Hair Restoration
    Lisette emerged from her journey with renewed confidence. She extends a message of resilience and empowerment to others facing similar struggles. She encourages listeners to seek out professional guidance, see a hair specialist to help identify a suitable hair loss solution and a doctor to rule out any underlying health concerns. Lisette highlights the importance of having a plan and a community. Whether it's hormone therapy, hair loss therapy, or some other balding solution, the right option is out there.  
    Book a Free Consultation today!

    Thanks for listening to HairPod. We hope you enjoyed this episode. If you did, please leave us a rating or review wherever you get your podcasts. If you’d like to connect with us on social media to share your story, check us out on Instagram @HairClub. HairPod is a production of TSE Studios. Our theme music is from SoundStripe.

    • 20 min
    Steve Barth | A Founding Father of HairClub

    Steve Barth | A Founding Father of HairClub

    Hair loss can significantly affect all aspects of our lives, and the solutions for hair loss haven't always been as advanced as they are today. In this episode, Steve Barth, an early client and one of the founding fathers of HairClub shares his experience with hair loss, early hair loss technology, HairClub, and the people who supported him along the way.
    Hair Loss and Self-Confidence 
    Steve’s story began years before his involvement with HairClub. He had known since he was young that he had a genetic predisposition for hair loss and would likely be bald later in life. However, at just twenty-two years old, he wasn't ready. Hair loss can rob those experiencing it of their time, their money, and their ability to grow and explore the world with confidence; there is simply no way to know the impact hair loss might have on your life, especially as a young person just discovering who you are and who you want to be. 
    Hair Loss Solutions and Balding Treatments in the ’70s
    Hairpieces, wigs, implants, and other hair loss therapies were quite different in the seventies. The technology was still in its early stages, and as you would expect, the options were limited. Steve shares his experiences with Jason Paul’s scientific approach to hair restoration, his introduction to Sy Sperling, and his path to HairClub.
    HairClub’s Approach to Hair Restoration 
    Steve has been an integral part of HairClub from the start, and he shares with us what set the product apart then and now. Finding a hair loss solution that works for you can be challenging but not impossible. Steve acknowledges that everyone's hair loss is different, and naturally, so are their needs. He has worked with HairClub on developing various methods and solutions for people at all stages of hair loss.
    Book a Free Consultation today!
    Thanks for listening to HairPod. We hope you enjoyed this episode. If you did, please leave us a rating or review wherever you get your podcasts. If you’d like to connect with us on social media to share your story, check us out on Instagram @HairClub. HairPod is a production of TSE Studios. Our theme music is from SoundStripe.

    • 21 min
    Kevin Rolston | My Hair Loss Treatment Journey

    Kevin Rolston | My Hair Loss Treatment Journey

    Experiencing hair loss at a young age, or any age, can be challenging; there are a lot of options out there, and finding the right solution often requires time and guidance. In this episode of HairClub, our host, Kevin Rolston, shares his experience with hair loss solutions. 
    The Shock of Balding and the Hunt for the Best Hair Regrowth Treatment
    Like many of us, Kevin's hair loss was not just a physical change but also an emotional journey. It was a part of his family history, and he had always dreaded the day his hair would start to thin. So when he began balding at 26, it was not a shock, but it was still a challenge. Kevin took immediate action, trying over-the-counter topical solutions without much luck. In the early years of his hair loss, Kevin received some guidance and began taking Finasteride. The medication successfully slowed his hair loss for a time. As the years passed, Kevin noticed increased hair loss and began seeking new methods. It is important to keep in mind, that just because something works for a time, this does not mean it will work forever. The good news is there are many different options for all stages of hair loss. 
    Searching for Hair Loss Solutions - Laser Caps and Hair Transplants
    Determined to have a full head of hair, Kevin tried laser hair therapy. He found it to be convenient and accessible. However, Kevin’s hair loss became more significant as he aged; he wanted a permanent solution. At this point, he decided to undergo a hair transplant procedure. He shares what this experience was like and some of the key things to look into when considering a transplant. Kevin was very satisfied with the results of his procedure for many years, but his journey wasn't over yet. His hair was still thinning, and Kevin decided to try another hair solution instead of continuing to pursue transplants.
    Not Sure Where To Go - Find A Hair Specialist! 
    Kevin eventually found a solution that worked for him-a hair system that gave him a full head of natural hair. He was ecstatic; he felt young and confident again. Kevin recommends seeking the guidance of a hair specialist so that you can discover the solution that will work for your hair, your lifestyle, and your budget. It’s important to know all of your options. We hope Kevin’s experience will shed some light on your own - keep your chin up; the right solution is out there, and there are many different options to explore! 
    Book a Free Consultation today!
    Thanks for listening to HairPod. We hope you enjoyed this episode. If you did, please leave us a rating or review wherever you get your podcasts. If you’d like to connect with us on social media to share your story, check us out on Instagram @HairClub. HairPod is a production of TSE Studios. Our theme music is from SoundStripe.

    • 12 min
    Claire Fullam | Hair Loss and Mental Health

    Claire Fullam | Hair Loss and Mental Health

    Hair loss can have a significant impact on mental health, but unfortunately, this is often not given the attention it deserves. To complicate matters, mental health issues such as stress can even be the trigger for conditions related to hair loss. In this episode of HairPod, we wrap up Mental Health Awareness Month by discussing the connection between mental health and hair loss with guest Claire Fullam, a trichologist from Dublin. Claire shares her story of living with alopecia, her struggles with addiction, and her journey to recovery. We hope her story provides inspiration and insight for those experiencing the emotional impact of hair loss. 
    Claire’s Story - Alopecia and the Birth of Claire Balding
    Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease that can cause rapid hair loss. It can be triggered by stress and can vary in intensity. Claire was hit hard and fast, losing most of her hair in less than two months. She tried all avenues and specialists, seeking a solution and explanation.  During this initial phase of her hair loss journey, Claire also launched her social media persona, “Claire Balding,” to share her story and empower others, while at the same time creating her own network of support. 
    It's Not Just Hair - Hair Loss, Trauma and the Path to Addiction
    Claire's hair loss was not only a result of the stress she was experiencing but also a contributor to it! Autoimmune disorders such as alopecia areata can be challenging to manage because of the vicious nature of the stress cycle. Struggling with the pressures of motherhood, life, and her newly discovered alopecia, Claire found herself slipping into substance abuse. She shares her story and transformation, highlighting the need for support and community. 
    Prioritizing Mental Health While Seeking Hair Loss Solutions
    Claire brings to light the emotional impact hair loss can have on the individual experiencing it. The pain of hair loss is difficult to understand for those who haven’t been there, but is a very real problem. Our hair is tied to identity, health, and security. The trauma of hair loss is real, and sometimes this only becomes apparent in hindsight. It is important to seek emotional support along the way. Claire shares how hearing others' stories has helped her and inspired her to share her experience with alopecia and addiction. 
    Follow Claire on Instagram
    Book a Free Consultation today!
    Thanks for listening to HairPod. We hope you enjoyed this episode. If you did, please leave us a rating or review wherever you get your podcasts. If you’d like to connect with us on social media to share your story, check us out on Instagram @HairClub. HairPod is a production of TSE Studios. Our theme music is from SoundStripe.

    • 17 min

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