55 épisodes

Nightdrive is a late night radio call in show that airs at 1am around the swamps surrounding Fakahatchee, Florida. If you think Florida on it's own is ridiculous- wait until you hear who calls in from this small town in the dead of night and what they're mad about.

In reality, Nightdrive is a lightly scripted, slightly serialized show with comedians and special guests calling in as residents of a small town. It's 'A Prairie Home Companion' by way of David Lynch with a sprinkling of alligators. Or as a fan described it: "if a town hall, the people of Florida and an FM Radio had a threesome- Nightdrive is the bed it would take place in."

Nightdrive KFAK Fakahatchee Radio

    • Romans et nouvelles

Nightdrive is a late night radio call in show that airs at 1am around the swamps surrounding Fakahatchee, Florida. If you think Florida on it's own is ridiculous- wait until you hear who calls in from this small town in the dead of night and what they're mad about.

In reality, Nightdrive is a lightly scripted, slightly serialized show with comedians and special guests calling in as residents of a small town. It's 'A Prairie Home Companion' by way of David Lynch with a sprinkling of alligators. Or as a fan described it: "if a town hall, the people of Florida and an FM Radio had a threesome- Nightdrive is the bed it would take place in."

    Gators N Kids

    Gators N Kids

    Gators N' Children
    This week the town of Fakahatchee is in an uproar as a local gator farmer, Duck Winters has announced his plans to open a second gator farm right next door to Beauregard Elementary School. The gators will be able to see the children through the chain link fence. Duck Winters got his friend at the city council to help sign off on the basis that gator farming is what's made Fakahatchee great. However, it got snagged in red tape and we'll all be required to vote on it. So I want to know which way are you and your neighbor leaning? Should Fakahatchee get this second gator farm?
    Let's hear from you on twitter, Fakahatchee!
    nightdrivefm (at) gmail (dot) com
    Nightdrive releases on the 15th of every month.
    Fakahatchee News releases on the last day of every month.
    A very special thank you to the following people who helped make this episode possible: CJ Meeks, Ron Babcock, Evan Gaustad, Clint Gage, Sean Bury

    • 44 min
    No Ghouls Allowed

    No Ghouls Allowed

    Your calls are burning up the phone lines tonight as Mayor Luis Vaminos declares Fakahatchee a "Ghost Free Zone" and demands all ghosts must leave, whether they actually exist or not. Some of you have objected based on the fact that the civil rights of these ghosts are being trampled on and others have expressed doubts about what this might do for their small business. 
    But how are you feeling about this new anti-ghost legislation? Horace Wexler wants to hear it! And if you want to help these ghosts please visit: PeopleForGhosts.com
    Let's hear from you on the social nets, Fakahatchee!
    On Facebook

     Nightdrive releases on the 15th of every month.
    Fakahatchee News releases on the last day of every month. 
    A very special thank you to the following people who helped make this episode possible: Chris Jericho, Nick Mundy, Hesley Harps, and Ron Babcock.

    • 39 min
    Fakahatchee News: 11.30.2019

    Fakahatchee News: 11.30.2019

    It's 9:27 pm it's time for quick updates from around the globe and the important news affecting you right here in Fakahatchee with Horace Wexler.
    For more local news visit the FakahatcheeGazette.com
    Let's hear from you on the social nets, Fakahatchee!
    On Facebook

     Nightdrive releases on the 15th of every month.
    Fakahatchee News releases on the last day of every month. 

    • 4 min
    The Fate of the Lobster King

    The Fate of the Lobster King

    All eyes are on the jury tonight as 'The Lobster King' - Fakahatchee's own folk hero/criminal - hangs in legal limbo. The arguments have been made, the case has been stated but do you think he's guilty? Horace Wexler wants to hear your thoughts on the trial that's got the whole county talking.
    Let's hear from you on twitter, Fakahatchee!
    nightdrivefm (at) gmail (dot) com
    Nightdrive releases on the 15th of every month.
    Fakahatchee News releases on the last day of every month.
    Visit our sponsor BLIP at PearlyChompers.com
    Find out about how to help The Lobster King at ClawsOfJustice.com
    And keep up to date on all the local news at FakahatcheeGazette.com
    A very special thank you to the following people who helped make this episode ear-worthy: Danielle Radford, Sean Bury, Casey Redmon, Matt Wyatt and Ron Babcock.
    If you'd like to  support NightDrive on patreon please visit  patreon.com/nightdrive

    • 55 min
    Sexy Global Warming and Local Power Outages: Fakahatchee News 12.31.19

    Sexy Global Warming and Local Power Outages: Fakahatchee News 12.31.19

    It's 10:27 pm and time for an update of what's happening around the globe and the important news affecting you right here in Fakahatchee with Horace Wexler. 
    a special report on Global Warming from correspondant Chuchi Bonhomme Football updates with William Cheshire and an in depth report on the Fakahatchee Power Outage. For more local news visit the FakahatcheeGazette.com
    Let's hear from you on the social nets, Fakahatchee!
    On Facebook

    Nightdrive episodes release on the 15th of every month.
    Fakahatchee News releases on the last day of every month. 

    • 8 min
    Two Tickets to the Leg Show

    Two Tickets to the Leg Show

    LOST: One man's leg. Used
    That's exactly the sort of thing we haven't heard as a loose limb has turned up on Main Street last night. And Alleyway Steve has been quick to capitalize on the situation turning it into Fakahatchee Florida's newest tourist attraction. Have you seen the leg? Horace Wexler wants to know!
    Let's hear from you, Fakahatchee!
    nightdrivefm (at) gmail (dot) com
    And keep up to date on all the local news at FakahatcheeGazette.com
    A very special thank you to the following people who helped make this episode ear-worthy: Evan Gaustad, CJ Meeks and Ron Babcock as well as all of our Lightning Callers.
    If you'd like to  support NightDrive on patreon please visit  patreon.com/nightdrive
    Nightdrive releases on the 15th of every month.
    Fakahatchee News releases on the last day of every month.

    • 46 min

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