28 min

Not With Your Head The Dynamic Life Show

    • Développement personnel

This show talks about how I was inspired by a comedian turned transformational speaker and this one statement he made about Not With Your Head. It really had me wanting to share my thoughts on what he said and what we are experiencing now in this country with this coronavirus.I also highlight a family of siblings who wanted to help the seniors in their community and how they banded together to make that happen and how it has also inspired me to do something in my neighborhood and I hope...

This show talks about how I was inspired by a comedian turned transformational speaker and this one statement he made about Not With Your Head. It really had me wanting to share my thoughts on what he said and what we are experiencing now in this country with this coronavirus.I also highlight a family of siblings who wanted to help the seniors in their community and how they banded together to make that happen and how it has also inspired me to do something in my neighborhood and I hope...

28 min