1h 5 min

Part 2: New Mom, New Country: Keri Bloomfield's Authentic Take on Life in Denmark My Kids Think I'm Cool, BUT...

    • Famille - parents

Are you a new international mom who feels like you're struggling to navigate a new country? Have you heard these myths about motherhood in a foreign land: It's easy to make friends, You'll adapt quickly, and Your home country's way of parenting is the right way? Well, I have some news for you. Keri Bloomfield, the author of Nothing Like A Dane, has been through it all and is here to share the truth about what it's really like to be a new mom in a foreign country.

In this episode, you will be able to:

Overcome the challenges faced by expats during integration in Denmark.

Discover the significance of building connections as a newcomer in a foreign land.

Master job hunting and forming professional relationships as an expat in Denmark.

Embrace the positives and navigate the difficulties of adjusting to a new culture.

Redefine yourself and thrive in unfamiliar surroundings as an expat.

My special guest is Keri

Meet Keri Bloomfield, a talented writer hailing from New Zealand who found her true calling after relocating to Denmark with her family. With a strong background in event management and people management, Keri had to adapt to a new environment and language before finding her niche in writing. She started her blog, Bilingual Backpack Baby, where she shared her experiences as a new mom living abroad. This experience inspired Keri to write "Nothing Like A Dane," an honest and humorous account of her journey in a new country. Keri's story serves as a support system for new international moms, offering insights and connection in a relatable way.

The key moments in this episode are:00:00:07 - Introduction, 00:02:18 - Career transition, 00:04:11 - Challenges of finding work as an international, 00:09:21 - Writing a book and being authentic, 00:12:43 - Real-life experiences, 00:14:31 - Nudity in Denmark vs. other countries, 00:18:34 - Marketing and accountability strategies for publishing a book, 00:22:03 - Writing challenges and lessons learned, 00:26:00 - Leveraging support and authenticity, 00:28:47 - Reinventing Yourself in a New Country, 00:30:17 - Becoming an Author in a New Country, 00:32:31 - Change in Behaviors After Living in a New Country, 00:36:12 - Finding Your Place in a New Country, 00:42:48 - Integration in a New Country, 00:43:37 - Challenges for Foreigners in Denmark, 00:45:41 - Tips for Feeling Lost in a New Country, 00:51:06 - Integrating into Danish Culture, 00:54:27 - Where to Get Keri's Book, 00:57:21 - Places to Take Kids in Denmark and New Zealand, 00:58:57 - Finding Community as a Parent in Denmark, 01:00:26 - Coping with Challenges of Living Abroad, 01:01:17 - The Power of Reinvention in a New Country, 01:02:47 - Writing a Book About Life as an International Parent in Denmark, 01:04:26 - Embracing the Challenges and AHA Moments of Raising Children in Denmark,

Are you a new international mom who feels like you're struggling to navigate a new country? Have you heard these myths about motherhood in a foreign land: It's easy to make friends, You'll adapt quickly, and Your home country's way of parenting is the right way? Well, I have some news for you. Keri Bloomfield, the author of Nothing Like A Dane, has been through it all and is here to share the truth about what it's really like to be a new mom in a foreign country.

In this episode, you will be able to:

Overcome the challenges faced by expats during integration in Denmark.

Discover the significance of building connections as a newcomer in a foreign land.

Master job hunting and forming professional relationships as an expat in Denmark.

Embrace the positives and navigate the difficulties of adjusting to a new culture.

Redefine yourself and thrive in unfamiliar surroundings as an expat.

My special guest is Keri

Meet Keri Bloomfield, a talented writer hailing from New Zealand who found her true calling after relocating to Denmark with her family. With a strong background in event management and people management, Keri had to adapt to a new environment and language before finding her niche in writing. She started her blog, Bilingual Backpack Baby, where she shared her experiences as a new mom living abroad. This experience inspired Keri to write "Nothing Like A Dane," an honest and humorous account of her journey in a new country. Keri's story serves as a support system for new international moms, offering insights and connection in a relatable way.

The key moments in this episode are:00:00:07 - Introduction, 00:02:18 - Career transition, 00:04:11 - Challenges of finding work as an international, 00:09:21 - Writing a book and being authentic, 00:12:43 - Real-life experiences, 00:14:31 - Nudity in Denmark vs. other countries, 00:18:34 - Marketing and accountability strategies for publishing a book, 00:22:03 - Writing challenges and lessons learned, 00:26:00 - Leveraging support and authenticity, 00:28:47 - Reinventing Yourself in a New Country, 00:30:17 - Becoming an Author in a New Country, 00:32:31 - Change in Behaviors After Living in a New Country, 00:36:12 - Finding Your Place in a New Country, 00:42:48 - Integration in a New Country, 00:43:37 - Challenges for Foreigners in Denmark, 00:45:41 - Tips for Feeling Lost in a New Country, 00:51:06 - Integrating into Danish Culture, 00:54:27 - Where to Get Keri's Book, 00:57:21 - Places to Take Kids in Denmark and New Zealand, 00:58:57 - Finding Community as a Parent in Denmark, 01:00:26 - Coping with Challenges of Living Abroad, 01:01:17 - The Power of Reinvention in a New Country, 01:02:47 - Writing a Book About Life as an International Parent in Denmark, 01:04:26 - Embracing the Challenges and AHA Moments of Raising Children in Denmark,

1h 5 min