241 épisodes

This is a show only for Managed Service Providers and IT support companies. It's made in the UK, and is designed for MSPs all over the planet. Every week we have loads of very specific advice, to help you get more new clients, grow valuable MRR, and ultimately increase net profit - isn't that why we're in business? Plus a special guest, some from our world and some from outside.

Paul Green's MSP Marketing Podcast Paul Green's MSP Marketing

    • Technologies

This is a show only for Managed Service Providers and IT support companies. It's made in the UK, and is designed for MSPs all over the planet. Every week we have loads of very specific advice, to help you get more new clients, grow valuable MRR, and ultimately increase net profit - isn't that why we're in business? Plus a special guest, some from our world and some from outside.

    Episode 240: MSPs: How to reach hot prospects other MSPs can't

    Episode 240: MSPs: How to reach hot prospects other MSPs can't

    The podcast powered by the MSP Marketing Edge
    Welcome to this week’s episode of the MSP Marketing Podcast with me, Paul Green. This is THE show if you want to grow your MSP.
    In this episode I suggest that instead of cold calling, you could approach hot prospects by offering to interview them, creating an easier, more engaging conversation that can lead to valuable business opportunities.  (jump to)
    I also explain how identifying website visitors allows you to target marketing efforts more effectively and maximise every lead’s potential.  (jump to)
    My guest this week, Kyle Mealy, helped an MSP achieve a 500% increase in sales efficiency with significantly reduced expenses by focusing on streamlined systems, customer-centric messaging, and optimised resource allocation. (jump to)
    Lastly, I tackle a question from Mark in Dallas, who wants to know if SEO (search engine optimisation) is worthwhile for his MSP.  (jump to)
    Join me as we unpack these topics and learn from some triumphs and trials in the MSP world. Oh, and don’t forget to join me in the MSP Marketing Facebook group.
    How to reach hot prospects other MSPs can’t

    Are you struggling to reach your hot prospects? Stop trying as an MSP salesperson and use this technique instead.
    Back in 2005 when I started my first business, I was cold calling and quickly discovered something disheartening… no one wanted to take my call. Is this your experience with outbound calls? The constant stream of “no” was nightmarish. Just months earlier, as a radio presenter, people were eager to hear from me. What changed? The context.
    As a radio presenter, calling people was exciting – they welcomed my calls because I could help them. But as a business owner looking for clients, the reception was cold. This led to a genius idea for reaching dream prospects, which several members of my MSP Marketing Edge program have successfully implemented.
    Instead of approaching as a salesperson, ask if you can interview them. This makes the conversation easier. Gatekeepers are less suspicious, decision-makers more willing, and you get quality time talking to your dream prospect about their favourite subject – themselves and their business.
    You might wonder, “What am I interviewing them for?” Today, anyone can create content. You could interview them for a LinkedIn newsletter, a blog, a podcast, or a YouTube channel about local business leaders. The audience size doesn’t matter, the showbiz of being interviewed is often exciting enough.
    The goal isn’t a great interview but spending quality time with a hot prospect. Afterward, they might say, “That was fun. Let’s talk about our technology needs,” opening the door to engagement. Pretty clever, right? Are you going to try this in your MSP?
    Watch on YouTube 
    How to know the names of prospects visiting your website

    If you knew who was visiting your website, you could target marketing efforts more effectively, right?
    Many services promise to identify site visitors, but my experience over the years has been underwhelming… until recently. About a decade ago

    • 31 min
    Episode 239: Why MSPs must do a weekly LinkedIn Newsletter

    Episode 239: Why MSPs must do a weekly LinkedIn Newsletter

    The podcast powered by the MSP Marketing Edge
    Welcome to this week’s episode of the MSP Marketing Podcast with me, Paul Green. This is THE show if you want to grow your MSP.
    In this episode I explain why LinkedIn Newsletters are an essential tool for MSPs to effortlessly engage with a wide audience, build lasting relationships, and keep your services top of mind for potential clients.  (jump to)
    Balancing urgent client issues with important business growth tasks is crucial for MSPs, and I encourage the use of the Eisenhower Matrix to help prioritise effectively to ensure long-term success. (jump to)
    My guest this week, Jon Wright, runs a successful MSP where he has systemised the hiring and managing of Sales Development Reps, to effectively drive new business – click here to find out more. (jump to)
    Lastly, I tackle a question from Chloe in Sydney, Australia – she asks whether she should be using the “good, better, best” pricing strategy?  This model effectively attracts clients by offering tiered options, making the middle choice seem like the safest and most appealing decision.  What are your thoughts?  (jump to)
    Join me as we unpack these topics and learn from some triumphs and trials in the MSP world. Oh, and don’t forget to join me in the MSP Marketing Facebook group.
    Why you must do a weekly LinkedIn Newsletter

    LinkedIn is the premier platform for MSPs, and LinkedIn Newsletters are a powerful tool to reach a vast audience with minimal effort. Over the past two years, I’ve found newsletters to be an excellent way to build an audience, engage with people, and drive new business.
    LinkedIn heavily promotes newsletters, giving them significant algorithmic attention. When you publish an article, it appears in your subscribers’ newsfeeds and their email inboxes.
    To start, navigate to the publishing menu in LinkedIn’s article view, write your article, and once published, it automatically becomes part of your newsletter. This isn’t a traditional newsletter with multiple pieces of content; it’s essentially your article distributed more broadly.
    Regularly sending out a newsletter helps keep your MSP top of mind. It won’t instantly land new clients, but it builds a relationship with your audience, so when they’re ready to switch MSPs, your name will be the first they consider.
    Though setup might seem complex initially, a quick Google search can guide you through the steps. Start leveraging LinkedIn newsletters today to enhance your outreach and engagement.
    Watch on YouTube
    Here’s how to stop the tech work interrupting growing the business

    MSPs are frequently overwhelmed by urgent tasks, more so than any other business owners I’ve encountered. The nature of your work demands immediate attention to clients’ problems, but how do you balance these urgencies with the important tasks needed to grow your business?
    I have the answer. In 1954, U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower highlighted a common dilemma: “I have two kinds of problems, the urgent and the important. The urgent are not important, and the important are never urgent.” This

    • 39 min
    Episode 238: HUH? Growing your MSP should be... boring???

    Episode 238: HUH? Growing your MSP should be... boring???

    The podcast powered by the MSP Marketing Edge
    Welcome to this week’s episode of the MSP Marketing Podcast with me, Paul Green. This is THE show if you want to grow your MSP.
    In this episode I explain why a level of boredom in your MSP business indicates success, and allows you to focus on growth and improvement.  (jump to)
    I also tell you why email remains the powerhouse communication tool for MSPs, essential for owning client data and building strong relationships through consistent, engaging content.  (jump to)
    Megan Killian joins me to discuss why MSPs must view marketing from the prospects’ perspective. She highlights the importance of a strong online presence, transparent pricing, and aligning services with their needs and values to build trust and attract more clients.  (jump to)
    Lastly, I answer a question from Gordan, who owns and runs an MSP in the UK.  He wants to know whether Instagram is a worthwhile marketing platform or is he running the risk of marketing overload.  (jump to)
    Join me as we unpack these topics and learn from some triumphs and trials in the MSP world. Oh, and don’t forget to join me in the MSP Marketing Facebook group.
    Growing your MSP should be… boring???

    Believe it or not, the key indicator that your MSP business is on the right track might just be boredom. Yes, you read that right. If your business bores you, it’s a sign that you’ve achieved a level of stability and efficiency most entrepreneurs only dream of.
    Reflect on your business journey. Are you in the hectic start-up phase, managing your first employees, or at the enviable stage where your business runs smoothly without your constant oversight? Over my 19 years in entrepreneurship, I’ve experienced all these stages with various ventures. Reflecting on those early days, I don’t miss the chaos of creating systems from scratch and firefighting daily crises.
    The start-up phase is stressful because every aspect of the business needs to be invented and refined – from customer experience to marketing strategies. What’s alarming is how many business owners get stuck here.
    Here’s some wisdom… if you’re slightly bored with your business, it means you’ve built robust systems that run smoothly without constant intervention. No crises to manage, no fires to put out – just seamless operations. This boredom isn’t a negative, it’s a testament to your success.
    Achieving this level of systemisation frees up your time, allowing you to focus on growth and improvement. Each step towards eliminating daily problems brings you closer to a well-oiled, self-sufficient business. When you reach that point, you’ll find the luxury of a little boredom incredibly liberating – a true sign that you’re on the path to long-term success.
    Watch on YouTube – How to grow your MSP in your SLEEP!
    What’s your email marketing spam rate?

    Email marketing has transformed significantly in recent years, yet it remains one of the most effective tools for MSPs.  Recent changes in B2B email rules, shouldn’t deter you from utilising email market

    • 33 min
    Episode 237: MSPs: What it really means when a prospect says no

    Episode 237: MSPs: What it really means when a prospect says no

    The podcast powered by the MSP Marketing Edge
    Welcome to this week’s episode of the MSP Marketing Podcast with me, Paul Green. This is THE show if you want to grow your MSP.
    In this episode I reflect on what it really means when a prospect says “no”.  Often it actually means “not yet”.  Building trust over time through multiple touchpoints can transform rejections into future opportunities.  (jump to)
    I also face the truth that I’ve lived over half my life – this has sparked an urgency in my business practices. What if you had just one year to achieve your goals? This motivates me to act decisively, how about you?  (jump to)
    In my chat with Brian Gillette, we explore how lunch and learn events effectively turn attendees into clients by focusing on relationship building over direct sales.  Have you tried these events for your MSP?  They’re challenging but worth it.  (jump to)
    Lastly, I tackle a question from Ryan, who owns a fairly new and fairly small MSP in Chicago, about valuing employees when budgets are tight. I suggest non-monetary ways to value employees, like recognising efforts, providing personalised rewards, and offering growth opportunities – enhancing team morale and loyalty.  (jump to)
    Join me as we unpack these topics and learn from some triumphs and trials in the MSP world. Oh, and don’t forget to join me in the MSP Marketing Facebook group.
    What it really means when a prospect says no

    In the competitive world of business, especially in sales, a “no” from a prospect often stings, feeling like a personal rejection. This reaction isn’t just common among entrepreneurs – it’s practically universal, and understandably so. Many of us see our businesses as extensions of ourselves, so a refusal can feel deeply personal. However, in my experience, a “no” often means “not now – I don’t trust you yet,” rather than a flat-out rejection.
    Trust is the linchpin in the relationship between clients and MSPs. Prospective clients are acutely aware that a wrong choice in MSP can lead to catastrophic outcomes for their business, which makes them extremely cautious. They often stick with underperforming MSPs simply because of familiarity, which feels safer than venturing into unknown territory.
    To turn a “no” into a future “yes,” it’s essential to build trust long before the sales pitch. This means engaging with potential clients through multiple touchpoints – social media, newsletters, emails, and more. Each interaction is a step towards building a relationship that fosters trust.
    Consider a prospect who has interacted with your brand 30 to 40 times before seriously considering your services. They’ve consumed your content and know your ethos. By the time they’re ready to switch MSPs, you’re not just another option; you’re a familiar, trusted entity. This doesn’t guarantee conversion, but it significantly enhances your chances.
    Ultimately, every decline – whether due to concerns about cost, service suitability, or company size – boils down to a lack of trust. Effective MSPs must focus on becoming known and reliable long before the decision

    • 35 min
    Episode 236: Is break/fix outdated… or a valid marketing tactic?

    Episode 236: Is break/fix outdated… or a valid marketing tactic?

    The podcast powered by the MSP Marketing Edge
    Welcome to this week’s episode of the MSP Marketing Podcast with me, Paul Green. This is THE show if you want to grow your MSP.
    In this episode I weigh up the relevance of the traditional break/fix model versus managed services. Is break/fix just an outdated concept, or can it still serve as a valuable marketing tool in our contract-driven market? (jump to)
    I also investigate what truly measures success for business owners. Drawing from my 19 years of experience, we’ll explore how consistent marketing actions can transform ambitious plans into tangible achievements. (jump to)
    Jeff Newton from REDiTECH joins me as this week’s guest and shares his unique experience of overwhelming marketing success. Jeff’s insights highlight the importance of robust processes and the need for perseverance and adaptability in marketing strategies after setbacks. (jump to)
    Lastly, I’ve introduced a brand new element to the Podcast – Paul’s Personal Peer Group – where I endeavour to answer your personal MSP marketing questions.  This week we hear from Scott in Florida who is considering the viability of Facebook advertising but is concerned about the return on investment.  Find out whether this could be right for you. (jump to)
    Join me as we unpack these topics and learn from some triumphs and trials in the MSP world. Oh, and don’t forget to join me in the MSP Marketing Facebook group.
    Is break/fix outdated… or a valid marketing tactic?

    Once the go-to strategy, the break/fix business model, where MSPs fix tech issues as they arise, now shares the stage with the managed services model, which emphasises ongoing support and monthly recurring revenue (MRR).
    Despite its old-school vibe, some MSPs still cling to break/fix as a crucial marketing tactic. They argue it’s a way to introduce their services, offering a taste that could potentially convert to more stable, contractual relationships.
    But how does this strategy hold up in the modern MSP landscape? I reached out to the 2,300 members of my MSP Marketing Facebook group to get their take, and the responses were eye-opening. For some, offering small break/fix services is a proven method to win clients over in the early growth stages, to a tipping point where only MRR makes sense. Others have moved away from break/fix unless it’s part of a broader security audit or leads directly to an MRR contract.
    This diverse range of strategies highlights a critical decision point for MSPs: is break/fix a smart business lever to pull for sampling services, or is it a relic best left in the past? Your strategy might just shape the future of your business in the ever-evolving MSP market.
    Is break/fix outdated… or an MSP marketing tactic?
    You’re measured by what you get done, not by what you say you’re doing
    We often dream big about our business ambitions but it’s not the plans that impress people—it’s the results. In the world of MSPs, like in all business, actions speak louder than words. Whether you’re chasing new clients or aiming to hit ambitious revenue target

    • 30 min
    Episode 235: SPECIAL: How MSPs get more leads from trade shows

    Episode 235: SPECIAL: How MSPs get more leads from trade shows

    Episode 235
    Welcome to a special episode of the MSP Marketing Podcast with me, Paul Green. This is THE show if you want to grow your MSP.
    In this Special Episode I’m joined by Lyle Kirshenbaum, owner of Toronto-based MSP Wired for the Future, to talk about how he has used events and trade shows to market his business and generate leads and prospects. We also discuss a number of practical ways that MSPs can level up and get the most bang for their buck and secure the most valuable leads and data from these events.
    Featured guest:

    Lyle was always involved in the technology arena as he began his career in digital print production. He found his interests lay more in the hardware side of technology though and quickly turned his sights in that direction. Originally, Lyle focused on whole home theatre systems but again saw his interests lay elsewhere. It was for this reason, that in 2001, Lyle became what is commonly known as a trunk slammer; helping and supporting clients as he traveled from site to site. Over the years, Lyle developed, fostered, and maintained these initial connections and grew Wired for the Future to the success it is today. Lyle is no longer found traveling from site to site in his car but can be found behind his desk ensuring that the same support with the same personal connection he always prided himself on remains intact. No matter how large Wired for the Future becomes it is Lyle’s dream this level of service remains. He devotes his days to just that.
    Connect with Lyle on LinkedIn:
    Extra show notes:

    Listen or watch every Tuesday on your favourite podcast platform, hosted by me, Paul Green, an MSP marketing expert:


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    • 34 min

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