14 min

Safe Superintelligence Inc. 👍 // Massive Supercomputer Partnership 💻 // Claude 3.5 Sonnet Launch �‪�‬ GPT Reviews

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Safe Superintelligence Inc. has launched with the goal of building a safe superintelligence AI that won't turn on humanity.

Dell, Nvidia, and Super Micro Computer are partnering with xAI and Elon Musk to build a massive supercomputer that could use up to 100,000 Nvidia H100 GPUs, potentially making it 4x larger than the biggest existing AI clusters.

Anthropic has launched Claude 3.5 Sonnet, their latest model family, which outperforms competitor models and even their own Claude 3 Opus on a wide range of evaluations.

The papers discussed in this episode explore the decision boundaries of large language models, auto-optimized training hyperparameters for IR models, and thinking step-by-step across modalities using whiteboard-of-thought. These findings could have important implications for the future development of AI.

Contact:  sergi@earkind.com


00:34 Introduction

01:40 Ilya Sutskever Launches Safe Superintelligence Inc.

03:04 Dell joins forces with Nvidia, Grok, xAI and Elon Musk

04:23 Anthropic Lauches Claude 3.5 Sonnet

06:10 Fake sponsor

08:16 Probing the Decision Boundaries of In-context Learning in Large Language Models

09:47 Prompts as Auto-Optimized Training Hyperparameters: Training Best-in-Class IR Models from Scratch with 10 Gold Labels

11:05 Whiteboard-of-Thought: Thinking Step-by-Step Across Modalities

12:54 Outro

Safe Superintelligence Inc. has launched with the goal of building a safe superintelligence AI that won't turn on humanity.

Dell, Nvidia, and Super Micro Computer are partnering with xAI and Elon Musk to build a massive supercomputer that could use up to 100,000 Nvidia H100 GPUs, potentially making it 4x larger than the biggest existing AI clusters.

Anthropic has launched Claude 3.5 Sonnet, their latest model family, which outperforms competitor models and even their own Claude 3 Opus on a wide range of evaluations.

The papers discussed in this episode explore the decision boundaries of large language models, auto-optimized training hyperparameters for IR models, and thinking step-by-step across modalities using whiteboard-of-thought. These findings could have important implications for the future development of AI.

Contact:  sergi@earkind.com


00:34 Introduction

01:40 Ilya Sutskever Launches Safe Superintelligence Inc.

03:04 Dell joins forces with Nvidia, Grok, xAI and Elon Musk

04:23 Anthropic Lauches Claude 3.5 Sonnet

06:10 Fake sponsor

08:16 Probing the Decision Boundaries of In-context Learning in Large Language Models

09:47 Prompts as Auto-Optimized Training Hyperparameters: Training Best-in-Class IR Models from Scratch with 10 Gold Labels

11:05 Whiteboard-of-Thought: Thinking Step-by-Step Across Modalities

12:54 Outro

14 min