22 épisodes

Satire of evangelical churches mixed with some practical, progressive theology! The Foul-Mouthed Preacher seeks to speak the language of the people, challenge the Church's views of Scripture & Tradition, and bring the Church back to the normal people.

The Bible After-Hours Anazao Ministries Podcast

    • Religion et spiritualité

Satire of evangelical churches mixed with some practical, progressive theology! The Foul-Mouthed Preacher seeks to speak the language of the people, challenge the Church's views of Scripture & Tradition, and bring the Church back to the normal people.

    Asking for Judgment: Embracing Equity & Justice

    Asking for Judgment: Embracing Equity & Justice

    The Church above wants to act like God is just biding time to come and kill anyone who has ever sinned. Often, God is made out to be an angry man in the skies waiting to act out revenge, rather than a God who embraces justice and equity for all.
    This is the underground church and we believe in a God who prioritizes and desires justice over revenge, equity over injustice, love over fear, and freedom for the marginalized and subjected! We believe that God will judge the righteous and the wicked fairly, that one day addicts will find restoration, the marginalized will find freedom, and all will have peace and justice!
    What does it mean God will judge with equity? What is the equity of God? What is the biblical meaning of equity? What does biblical justice mean? What does God consider justice? What is the biblical understanding of addiction? How does God deal with addicts? What are the psalms for judgement? How does C.S. Lewis explain judgement in the psalms?
    In this episode, we will:
    Examine what David means by "judgement" in the psalmsExegete Psalm 7Discuss how God will bring equity to sinners, the faithful, addicts, and moreDeconstruct how the Church views final judgement and the heart of God

    • 26 min
    Participating in Salvation: Actualizing our Hope in God

    Participating in Salvation: Actualizing our Hope in God

    The Church above sees no contradiction in decrying ideas like karma while preaching a gospel that states God only rewards those who go to Church, pay their tithes, and do good things. The church often preaches about a transactional God that doesn't exist rather than inviting others into a real relationship with the Divine.
    This is the Underground Church and we believe that God's act of salvation is an invitation to work with God to make our hopes in Him become realized in our own time. We believe that God does not force salvation on anyone, but we also believe that salvation is not achievable on our own. This is why an open and relational God is necessary for any practical theology in our modern times.
    What is the true meaning of salvation? What is one means of salvation? What is the salvation of God? What is the Bible way of salvation? What is the meaning of Christian transformation? What is the transformational model of Christianity? What does a transformational church believe?
    In this episode, we will:
    Explore the meaning of working with God on our salvationDeconstruct our role in our relationship with GodExamine the power of faithDiscuss the need to express feeling of defeat and pain
    Mentioned in this episode:
    Anazao Ministries Podcasts - AMP Network
    To hear more shows like this one, Christian Podcasts that aren't afraid of the big questions, check out the website for the AMP Network: https://anazao-ministries.captivate.fm/

    • 25 min
    Focusing on God: Aspiring to His Ways Over Self-Indulgence

    Focusing on God: Aspiring to His Ways Over Self-Indulgence

    The Church above acts like every song made that isn't about God, especially if it is sad or angry, is anti-Christian. We have in many cases abandoned our love of music and the arts. The Church even often acts like Christians should always and only feel happy.
    This is the Underground Church and we believe it is important to engage with music that truly expresses our feelings - whether those be feelings of anger, sadness, or even jealousy and lust. It is important to be in touch with our feelings, but it is more important to focus on God. God is ALL IN ALL, and He wants us to fully be who we are in Him!
    What is the prayer for Psalm 3? What does break the teeth of the wicked mean? What psalm is pain and grief? What psalm is for comfort? Which verse says God is all in all? What does God is all in all mean? What does it mean to focus on God? How do I clear my mind to focus on God?
    In this episode, we will:
    Examine the benefits of sadnessExplore what times God may want us to feel angryDeconstruct the Church's role and stance on musicReaffirm what it means to focus on God
    Mentioned in this episode:
    Anazao Ministries Podcasts - AMP Network
    To hear more shows like this one, Christian Podcasts that aren't afraid of the big questions, check out the website for the AMP Network: https://anazao-ministries.captivate.fm/

    • 16 min
    Being Transplanted: Finding Encouragement in Healthy Community

    Being Transplanted: Finding Encouragement in Healthy Community

    The Church above acts like Christians should be completely cut off from the world and avoid sinners at all costs, and still expects to find people and "show them the light". They want to cut themselves off from the world, so they never have to encounter what they see as not of God; then, they find themselves losing the youth who are totally unprepared to face the realities of the world.
    This is the Underground Church and we believe that it is important for all Christians to encounter and interact with the world at large, whilst remaining in a healthy Church community. We shouldn't have to fear the outside world, but we also shouldn't be trying to make ourselves look like the rest of the world either. Why is isolation common in ministry? Why do I feel so lonely at church? What is the biblical meaning of outreach? How to plan church outreach?
    In this episode, we will:
    Explore how to interact with the world without losing yourselfDeconstruct the isolation models of ministryExamine what it means to stand in the path of righteousnessExegete Psalm 1
    Mentioned in this episode:
    Anazao Ministries Podcasts - AMP Network
    To hear more shows like this one, Christian Podcasts that aren't afraid of the big questions, check out the website for the AMP Network: https://anazao-ministries.captivate.fm/

    • 17 min
    Engaging Politics with Honor & Humility: Instructions for the Politically Homeless

    Engaging Politics with Honor & Humility: Instructions for the Politically Homeless

    The Church above pretends to either be uninterested in politics or like only one side is an option for Christians. It acts as though political outcomes are more important than the process to get there. They prioritize wealth and influence over caring for the needy and foreigners in our lands.
    This is the Underground Church, and we believe the Bible has an outline for the politically homeless. The Bible shows how God admonishes the leaders who care for the poor and needs, are honorable and have humility, over those who bring great wealth or power to the nation. How should the Church engage in politics? What should you do if you feel politically homeless? Are churches allowed to be political? Is the Catholic Church political? How do we honor our leaders and still engage honestly in our political setting? DO we prioritize wealth and influence or immigrants and the needy?
    In this episode, we will:
    Learn how Samuel was politically homelessSee how God's people engaged with politics in the BibleDiscuss what priorities we should bring into our politicsExamine whether human leadership is a good thing at all
    Mentioned in this episode:
    Anazao Ministries Podcasts - AMP Network
    To hear more shows like this one, Christian Podcasts that aren't afraid of the big questions, check out the website for the AMP Network: https://anazao-ministries.captivate.fm/

    • 19 min
    Becoming Transparent and Accountable: A Call to Call Out Our Own

    Becoming Transparent and Accountable: A Call to Call Out Our Own

    The Church above has attempted to hide its own sin and acts like it doesn't do anything wrong. Many people have been harmed by actions the Church has tried to hide away. Many have lost trust in the Church because of how it has tried to hide its own sin or divert attention away from its own wrong-doing.
    This is the Underground Church and we believe a better testimony would be an honest one where the church exposes the sin within its own community before calling out what's wrong in secular communities. What is transparency in the church? Should churches be transparent with finances? What is the purpose of accountability in the church? What does the Bible say about accountability? Are we supposed to hold other Christians accountable?
    In this episode, we will:
    Explain the importance of calling out other believersExplore the issues for oneself to hold in your strugglesDeconstruct how we protect the testimony of our communitiesDiscuss how to nurture an authentic, loving community
    Mentioned in this episode:
    Anazao Ministries Podcasts - AMP Network
    To hear more shows like this one, Christian Podcasts that aren't afraid of the big questions, check out the website for the AMP Network: https://anazao-ministries.captivate.fm/

    • 19 min

Classement des podcasts dans Religion et spiritualité

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Mohammad ﷺ, le prophète de la miséricorde
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Mosquée Mirail Toulouse
Prière du matin
Les Lueurs
Les Lueurs