31 épisodes

The Vikings Podcast is dedicated to the HISTORY channel TV series Vikings. Vikings is based on the life and adventures of Viking hero Ragnar Lothbrok and his family. Along with a recap and review of the show, we’ll also examine the historical accuracy of the events and characters.

The Vikings Podcast The Archivist

    • Télévision et cinéma

The Vikings Podcast is dedicated to the HISTORY channel TV series Vikings. Vikings is based on the life and adventures of Viking hero Ragnar Lothbrok and his family. Along with a recap and review of the show, we’ll also examine the historical accuracy of the events and characters.

    The Vikings Podcast #301: Mercenary

    The Vikings Podcast #301: Mercenary

    Season 3 Premiere!
    What’s in store for Ragnar and company this year? A trip to Wessex, raids, glory? All that and more! Find out on another great episode of Vikings.
    On this episode of The Vikings Podcast we’ll review and recap the Season 3 premiere episode, Mercenary. Then we’ll look at the history presented in the show and see how it compares to actual history.
    Ragnar and Lagertha’s fleets depart Kattegat once more for Wessex but this time they bring settlers. King Ecbert hosts the Vikings and proposes a deal. Despite the misgivings of some of the other leaders, Ragnar leads his forces into battle once more, but this time as allies of Wessex.
    In this episode’s history lesson we discuss:
    King BrightwulfBurgredAnd much more!
    Copyright © 2014 · Dragon Moon Media All Rights are Reserved. No Infringement is Intended. The Vikings Podcast is a Medieval Archives & Dragon Moon Media production. Medieval Archives’ use of any and all copyrighted material is only for parody, news analysis, critique, and/or for educational purposes as provided within United States Code (USC) Title 17 aka “Fair Use”.

    • 27 min
    The Vikings Podcast #302: The Wanderer

    The Vikings Podcast #302: The Wanderer

    Episode 2 picks up right where the last one ended. Lagertha has established a new farming settlement and Ragnar and his Vikings are attacking Mercia. Strange dreams haunt the Ladys of Kattegat as a mysterious Wanderer enters the village. Will the Saxons oppose the Viking Farmers? Will Ragnar defeat the Mercians? Will Calf rule Hedeby as Earl? Find out on another great episode of Vikings!
    On this episode of The Vikings Podcast we’ll review and recap episode 2, The Wanderer. Then we’ll look at the history presented in the show and see how it compares to actual history..
    The Wanderer
    Lagertha and Athelstan help to establish the Viking settlement in Wessex. Harbard, a mysterious wanderer, arrives in Kattegat, realizing the forewarned dreams of Aslaug, Siggy and Helga.
    In this episode’s history lesson we discuss:
    Amputation in the Middle Ages
    Copyright © 2014 · Dragon Moon Media All Rights are Reserved. No Infringement is Intended. The Vikings Podcast is a Medieval Archives & Dragon Moon Media production. Medieval Archives’ use of any and all copyrighted material is only for parody, news analysis, critique, and/or for educational purposes as provided within United States Code (USC) Title 17 aka “Fair Use”.

    • 22 min
    The Vikings Podcast #303: Warrior’s Fate

    The Vikings Podcast #303: Warrior’s Fate

    What an episode! The wanderer, Harbard settles in Kattegat and Siggy is suspicious of his intent. Conflict arises in Wessex and not just on the battlefield! Bjorn, Ragnar, Floki, Judith, and Athelstan all deal with conflicting emotions and priorities.
    Will the Vikings warriors survive their trip to Mercia? Will the Wessex nobles convince King Ecbert the pagans need to convert? Will Harbard bring trouble to Kattegat? Find out on another great episode of Vikings!
    On this episode of The Vikings Podcast we’ll review and recap episode 3, Warrior’s Fate. Then we’ll look at the history presented in the show and see how it compares to actual history.
    Warrior’s Fate
    King Ecbert visits the developing Viking settlement as the first harvest is sown and rebuffs criticism from his leading nobles. In Mercia, the Wessex/Viking forces charge at the battle at the Hill of the Ash. In Kattegat, Harbard arrives in to the Great Hall and his mysterious aura fascinates Aslaug and Helga but Siggy remains suspicious. There are strange and tragic happenings in Kattegat, and Siggy suspects Harbard is the cause.
    In this episode’s history lesson we discuss:
    Medieval AgricultureFreyHarbardAnd more…
    Copyright © 2014 · Dragon Moon Media All Rights are Reserved. No Infringement is Intended. The Vikings Podcast is a Medieval Archives & Dragon Moon Media production. Medieval Archives’ use of any and all copyrighted material is only for parody, news analysis, critique, and/or for educational purposes as provided within United States Code (USC) Title 17 aka “Fair Use”.

    • 34 min
    The Vikings Podcast #304: Scarred

    The Vikings Podcast #304: Scarred

    WOW! The Wanderer has changed Kattegat and its citizens forever! 
    Ragnar and the Vikings have won Mercia, Ecbert begs Lagertha and Athelstan to stay in Wessex, Calf recruits Ragnar’s old enemies and The Wanderer takes Ivar’s pain away, but at what cost?
    Find out on another great episode of Vikings!
    On this episode of The Vikings Podcast we’ll review and recap episode 4, Scarred. Then we’ll look at the history presented in the show and see how it compares to actual history.
    The victorious Wessex/Viking forces return to Wessex but there is rancour in the Viking camp–Floki is angry over the alliance with Ecbert and resentful the influence that he feels Athelstan has over Ragnar. Princess Kwenthrith makes some calculating political moves following the battle at the Hill of the Ash in Mercia. Visitors from the past arrive in Hederby, at Kalf’s invitation.
    In this episode’s history lesson we discuss:
    OdinUrinotherapyOlaf, Grand Prince of Kiev
    Copyright © 2014 · Dragon Moon Media All Rights are Reserved. No Infringement is Intended. The Vikings Podcast is a Medieval Archives & Dragon Moon Media production. Medieval Archives’ use of any and all copyrighted material is only for parody, news analysis, critique, and/or for educational purposes as provided within United States Code (USC) Title 17 aka “Fair Use”.

    • 36 min
    The Vikings Podcast #305: The Usurper

    The Vikings Podcast #305: The Usurper

    Ragnar and his vikings return to kattegat to find that life has changed. Rollo is distraught over the death of Siggy, Bjorn and Porunn are growing apart, Ragnar and Aslaug are having trouble and Lagertha finds out about Calf, The Usurper!
    Floki knows all about The Wanderer and his true identity, but will he tell Ragnar? What does the seer foretell about the raid on Paris?
    Find out on another great episode of Vikings!
    On this episode of The Vikings Podcast we’ll review and recap episode 5, The Usurper. Then we’ll look at the history presented in the show and see how it compares to actual history.
    The Usurper
    The fleet returns to Kattegat to find tragic circumstances await. Lagertha learns that her Earldom has been usurped and convinces Ragnar to travel to Hederby with her in an effort to reclaim her title. Ragnar causes great surprise when he announces the next raid. The Seer has interesting prophecies for Rollo.
    In this episode’s history lesson we discuss:
    St. Brice’s Day MassacreRollo
    Copyright © 2014 · Dragon Moon Media All Rights are Reserved. No Infringement is Intended. The Vikings Podcast is a Medieval Archives & Dragon Moon Media production. Medieval Archives’ use of any and all copyrighted material is only for parody, news analysis, critique, and/or for educational purposes as provided within United States Code (USC) Title 17 aka “Fair Use”.

    • 21 min
    The Vikings Podcast #306: Born Again

    The Vikings Podcast #306: Born Again

    In Wessex, Judith gives birth to a boy but pays for her sins! In Kattegat, Bjorn is the father to a new little girl and Porunn wants him to find happiness with another woman. Floki is in a dark place and ready to rid the vikings of the Christain God and Athelstan finds a renewed faith in God. Calf and Erlander join Ragnar in Kattegat in preparation for the raid on Paris.
    Will Bjorn find happiness with another woman? Will Floki wipe out the existance of the Christain God? Will Erlander try to take the throne?
    Find out on another great episode of Vikings!
    On this episode of The Vikings Podcast we’ll review and recap episode 6, Born Again. Then we’ll look at the history presented in the show and see how it compares to actual history.
    Born Again
    Preparations for the Paris raid pick up pace. Porunn and Judith both deliver children, and with new life there is also death. Athelstan tells Ragnar of his re-connection to his Christian faith. Floki interprets a sign from the gods that a sacrifice should be made.
    In this episode’s history lesson we discuss:
    Alfred the GreatMedieval PunishmentHistory of Paris
    Copyright © 2014 · Dragon Moon Media All Rights are Reserved. No Infringement is Intended. The Vikings Podcast is a Medieval Archives & Dragon Moon Media production. Medieval Archives’ use of any and all copyrighted material is only for parody, news analysis, critique, and/or for educational purposes as provided within United States Code (USC) Title 17 aka “Fair Use”.

    • 27 min

Classement des podcasts dans Télévision et cinéma

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