13 min

This Gets More People Show Up When you're #Live Gain No Pain | Marketing Nuggets For Fitness Coaches

    • Entreprenariat

Running podcasts and #live shows into the vast emptiness of the internet is no going to win you new customers on its own. You need your audience to show up when you go #live. You need their comments. Social platforms demand your audience's engagement. With out it your posts are sent to the Siberia of the Internet. Banished to where no one will see them. SMS alerts will get more people to show up when you go #live. Listen in a learn how.

Running podcasts and #live shows into the vast emptiness of the internet is no going to win you new customers on its own. You need your audience to show up when you go #live. You need their comments. Social platforms demand your audience's engagement. With out it your posts are sent to the Siberia of the Internet. Banished to where no one will see them. SMS alerts will get more people to show up when you go #live. Listen in a learn how.

13 min