27 min

Tips from Recent Seller/Buyer RE/MAX Real Estate Insights

    • Investissement

You can’t start the process too early if you are getting ready to sell and keep looking if you are buying are some of the take-aways from show host Jeanette’s recent purchase and sale of a home.  She shares how talking to an agent early in the process can help you be better prepared and save you time and money by using contractors and service professionals they can recommend – and who are likely to move you to the front of the line for scheduling.  She also offers a couple of questions to ask movers and repair folks as well the need to factor time to schedule pick-up of items you are donating, selling or trashing.

You can’t start the process too early if you are getting ready to sell and keep looking if you are buying are some of the take-aways from show host Jeanette’s recent purchase and sale of a home.  She shares how talking to an agent early in the process can help you be better prepared and save you time and money by using contractors and service professionals they can recommend – and who are likely to move you to the front of the line for scheduling.  She also offers a couple of questions to ask movers and repair folks as well the need to factor time to schedule pick-up of items you are donating, selling or trashing.

27 min