
With R' Yisroel Cohen discussing Mitzrayim (Egypt), Midrash, and Myth Seforimchatter

    • Judaïsme

Questions, comments, feedback? Send us a message.#272> We discussed an overview of Egyptian mythology as it to pertains to this episode (Yetzias Mitzrayim), the halachic issue of discussing Avodah Zarah, the Egyptian gods and the connection to Yosef, Ra and Makkos Choshech, Moshe and the snake, the makkos, and much more> To purchase a copy or with questions or comments please email: Yisroel.cohen@yahoo.com> Subscribe to the SeforimChatter YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/@seforim...

Questions, comments, feedback? Send us a message.#272> We discussed an overview of Egyptian mythology as it to pertains to this episode (Yetzias Mitzrayim), the halachic issue of discussing Avodah Zarah, the Egyptian gods and the connection to Yosef, Ra and Makkos Choshech, Moshe and the snake, the makkos, and much more> To purchase a copy or with questions or comments please email: Yisroel.cohen@yahoo.com> Subscribe to the SeforimChatter YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/@seforim...
