123 épisodes

A practical and motivational compass from the bible. To promote living your life on purpose.

FULL JOY Kevin Brown

    • Religion et spiritualité

A practical and motivational compass from the bible. To promote living your life on purpose.

    Max Out

    Max Out

    How can we apply the "max out" concept to our goal pursuit? Here are a few simple steps to help us stay motivated and focused:

    Step 1: Clarify our purpose. 

    Host: Our purpose is the driving force behind our goals. Take time to clarify your purpose by asking yourself what motivates and inspires you.

    Step 2: Set SMART goals. 

    Host: SMART goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound; setting SMART goals helps us stay on track and measure our progress.

    Step 3: Build positive habits. 

    Host: Habits are the building blocks of success. Identify positive habits that will help you achieve your goals and make them a part of your daily routine. Remember that motivation is a fleeting feeling. However, a disciplined mindset and positive habits will enhance our outlook on life. 

    Step 4: Take consistent action. 

    Host: Consistently taking action is critical to achieving our goals. We cannot stress enough the importance of taking action. When we take action, we see results. So, do not hesitate to establish daily or weekly objectives and hold yourself responsible for taking them.

    • 5 min
    Faith Fuel

    Faith Fuel

    To begin today's episode, we will set the stage with our Power Words.

    James 1:19-20, Philippians 4:6-7

    James 1:19-20 

    Our first Power word comes from James 1:19-20, which says, "My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires." 

    This verse reminds us of the importance of controlling our words and emotions. Instead of reacting impulsively to difficult situations, we should pause, listen, and seek God's guidance through prayer.

    Philippians 4:6-7 

    Our second verse comes from Philippians 4:6-7, which says, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 

    The power of prayer is highlighted in this verse as an undeniable source of comfort and relief during difficult and stressful times. It confidently asserts that the indescribable peace of God will guard and protect our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

    To handle life's challenges confidently, we must remember the importance of prayer. It is also essential to be mindful of our thoughts and communication, avoiding hostility and expressing gratitude to remain optimistic even in difficult situations. Trusting in God's timing can help us attain serenity.

    • 5 min
    l Lght

    l Lght


    • 7 min
    Manifest Your Greatness!

    Manifest Your Greatness!

    Today's Power Word, II Timothy 1:6-7, declares:

    "Therefore, I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you by laying on my hands. 7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind."

    Instead, it involves aligning our thoughts, beliefs, and actions with our aspirations and objectives and harnessing the universe's power to realize those desires and goals.

    To manifest our greatness, we must first recognize and acknowledge the gifts and talents we have been given. We have unique gifts and talents; cultivating and developing them is up to us.

    But often, we allow fear, doubt, and insecurity to hold us back. We worry about what others think or feel we need to be better and worthy enough to pursue our dreams.

    This is where the power of manifestation comes in. When we align our thoughts and beliefs with our desires, we tap into the power of the universe to bring those desires into reality. So it is not just about positive thinking; it is about shifting our energy and vibration to match the energy and vibration of what we want to manifest.

    Moreover, that is where II Timothy 1:6-7 comes in. When we fan into flame the gift of God within us, we tap into the power of the universe and the Spirit of God to give us the courage, strength, and self-discipline to pursue our dreams and manifest our greatness.

    So how can we apply this verse and the power of manifestation in our daily lives?

    Here are a few practical tips:

    It is crucial to acknowledge and celebrate our unique talents and passions. Jot down a list of your strengths and hobbies with confidence and pride.

    Choose specific aspirations and objectives to manifest in your life. Then, write them down and visualize them as already accomplished.

    Embrace positivity and a can-do attitude. Instead of dwelling on negative news, please focus on the great things in your life and be grateful for them.

    Take action towards achieving your goals. Please do not wait for opportunities; proactively take steps to make them happen. Do not stress over the details; take that first step.

    Surround yourself with positivity and supportive individuals who believe in you and your dreams and confidently pursue your goals.

    We appreciate your presence today and are excited to have you join us for our next episode. If you enjoyed our show, please show your support by liking, sharing, following, and commenting. 

    Thank you!


    • 8 min
    Feeling the BURN!

    Feeling the BURN!

    Pushing Towards Greatness

    Pushing ourselves out of our comfort zones can be challenging, but it is the key to unlocking our potential and achieving our goals. We will shed some light on the significance of feeling the burn and how it can help us continue to focus on growth.

    If you have been following our show, you know this season focuses on self-improvement, personal growth, and striving to become the best version of oneself daily.

    Question 1: What does it mean to feel the burn?

    Experiencing the burn is an expression that often characterizes the uneasy or painful feeling we encounter when we surpass our boundaries. While it is frequently associated with physical activity, it can also apply to other aspects of our existence, such as self-improvement, interpersonal connections, and professional undertakings. In addition, feeling the burn is a tell-tale sign that we are determined to reach our aspirations, even when confronted with challenges.

    What are you willing to fight for, and Why is it important to feel the burn?

    It is a great desire for each individual to succeed, translating into something different for each person. However, hard work and dedication to excellence are required on this journey. 

    Our colloquial Jamaican wise proverbs as our Mind-Reset Quote for today. 

    If you want good, your nose has to run. 

    Meaning: In order to gain success, you have to work hard. 

    If yuh waan good yuh nose haffi run  Author unknown

    One way is to focus on the benefits of pushing ourselves toward our goals. We can remind ourselves of the accomplishment and pride in achieving something once challenging. Another way to embrace discomfort is to practice mindfulness and self-compassion. By acknowledging our pain and treating ourselves with kindness, we can reduce the impact of negative emotions and build resilience.

    Carlos Castenada once said, "We could either make ourselves miserable or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same." 

    • 9 min
    Brutal Honesty!

    Brutal Honesty!

    Today's power word guides us with honesty.

    2 Corinthians 13:5

    Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you—unless indeed you fail the test?

    Question 1: Why is brutal honesty important?

    We must be sincere in recognizing any blind spots or biases. These can prevent us from seeing the truth about ourselves and hinder our personal development. Additionally, honesty is vital in building strong relationships with others because trust is based on transparency and truthfulness.

    So, How do we transition from the why to the how can we be brutally honest with ourselves?

    Self-reflection is crucial to personal growth, even if it means being brutally honest with ourselves. We can achieve this by regularly evaluating our thoughts, feelings, and actions. To do so, we may need to ask ourselves tough questions like "What is holding me back from reaching my goals?" or "What are my weaknesses, and how can I improve on them?" Seeking feedback from others is also a great way, to be honest with oneself. Likewise, asking for constructive criticism from friends, family, or colleagues can help identify areas for improvement.

    Now with the hopes that we have built a more realistic view of the process of being brutally honest with ourselves, let us undertake the benefits of being brutally honest with ourselves.

    Mind reset quote from Sigmund Freud. 

    Being entirely honest with oneself is a good exercise.

    Sigmund Freud

    Remember that being brutally honest with ourselves is critical to personal growth and success. It allows us to identify our strengths and weaknesses, develop self-awareness, and build healthy relationships with others. By reflecting on our thoughts, feelings, and actions regularly, seeking feedback from others, and asking ourselves tough questions, we can become more honest and transparent with ourselves. So, please let us all take a moment to be brutally honest with ourselves and focus on continuous growth. 

    • 10 min

Classement des podcasts dans Religion et spiritualité

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