22 min

11- Salary Sacrifice Like a Pro Headsup On Money

    • Investing

Why would you choose to take a lower salary? What possible benefit could there be to you? Salary sacrifice isn't something to avoid at all costs. In fact, it's one of the big personal finance freebies.In this episode, Benjamin takes you on a jargon-less explanation of what salary sacrifice is and why it may be one of the smartest financial decisions you make this year! Here's the link to the calculator referenced in the show. Try it out with your own figures and see the difference salary sacr...

Why would you choose to take a lower salary? What possible benefit could there be to you? Salary sacrifice isn't something to avoid at all costs. In fact, it's one of the big personal finance freebies.In this episode, Benjamin takes you on a jargon-less explanation of what salary sacrifice is and why it may be one of the smartest financial decisions you make this year! Here's the link to the calculator referenced in the show. Try it out with your own figures and see the difference salary sacr...

22 min