20 min

15: Claudia Lambrichs-Lindenbergh-Energetic Leadership Coach LOOP Casts

    • Careers

In this episode, we had the privilege of hosting Claudia Lambrichs-Lindenbergh, a dynamic and energetic leadership coach who is transforming the world of leadership. 🚀 Join us as we explore Claudia's journey and dive into her insights on igniting passion and energy in the modern workplace.

As the founder and CEO of Wellbees, Melis Abacioglu, guides the conversation, Claudia says “Energy has everything to do with how you show up in life.”⭐ Her journey from corporate landscapes to her current impactful role unveils a world of possibilities for everyone seeking to lead with energy and purpose.

Are you prepared to revolutionize your approach to leadership from an energetic perspective? Tune in now to gain a fresh perspective that could redefine your professional journey. 🚀🎉

In this episode, we had the privilege of hosting Claudia Lambrichs-Lindenbergh, a dynamic and energetic leadership coach who is transforming the world of leadership. 🚀 Join us as we explore Claudia's journey and dive into her insights on igniting passion and energy in the modern workplace.

As the founder and CEO of Wellbees, Melis Abacioglu, guides the conversation, Claudia says “Energy has everything to do with how you show up in life.”⭐ Her journey from corporate landscapes to her current impactful role unveils a world of possibilities for everyone seeking to lead with energy and purpose.

Are you prepared to revolutionize your approach to leadership from an energetic perspective? Tune in now to gain a fresh perspective that could redefine your professional journey. 🚀🎉

20 min