38 min

Accurate forecasting can help save money and time Mole Valley Farmers

    • How To

Hear how a revolutionary new weather station designed specifically for farmers gives more accurate information on the weather conditions on an individual field level, measuring everything from air temperature, humidity, soil temperature, and wind. Find out how it can be used on your farm in the coming season and save you time and money. Stefan Pederson from Cordulus and Lisa Hambly from Mole Valley Farmers are in conversation with Seth Conway.

Hear how a revolutionary new weather station designed specifically for farmers gives more accurate information on the weather conditions on an individual field level, measuring everything from air temperature, humidity, soil temperature, and wind. Find out how it can be used on your farm in the coming season and save you time and money. Stefan Pederson from Cordulus and Lisa Hambly from Mole Valley Farmers are in conversation with Seth Conway.

38 min