46 min

Allies In Isolation: Israel's Unique Friendship with the Federated States of Micronesia Radio Chavura

    • Judaism

This week on Radio Chavura, we feature an exclusive interview with His Excellency Asterio Takesy, Micronesia’s Ambassador to the United States and Israel.

Micronesia, an international exporter of fish, bananas, and black peppers, is not known for much in the western world except as the periodic answer to an obscure question on Jeopardy.

Yet when Israel is under fire at the United Nations – and when isn’t Israel under fire at the UN? – the Federated States of Micronesia has proven to be one of the Jewish State’s staunchest global allies.

Only the United States, Canada, the Marshall Islands and Palau stand shoulder-to-should with the FSM in defense of Israel when the UN is singling out the Jewish State for rote condemnation.  The track records of other “allies” – including France, England, Germany, Poland, Australia, New Zealand, and all of Central, South and Latin America are nowhere near as pro-Israel as Micronesia’s.

Ambassador Takesy is interviewed by Radio Chavura co-hosts Maxwell and Dean Rotbart.

This week on Radio Chavura, we feature an exclusive interview with His Excellency Asterio Takesy, Micronesia’s Ambassador to the United States and Israel.

Micronesia, an international exporter of fish, bananas, and black peppers, is not known for much in the western world except as the periodic answer to an obscure question on Jeopardy.

Yet when Israel is under fire at the United Nations – and when isn’t Israel under fire at the UN? – the Federated States of Micronesia has proven to be one of the Jewish State’s staunchest global allies.

Only the United States, Canada, the Marshall Islands and Palau stand shoulder-to-should with the FSM in defense of Israel when the UN is singling out the Jewish State for rote condemnation.  The track records of other “allies” – including France, England, Germany, Poland, Australia, New Zealand, and all of Central, South and Latin America are nowhere near as pro-Israel as Micronesia’s.

Ambassador Takesy is interviewed by Radio Chavura co-hosts Maxwell and Dean Rotbart.

46 min