52 min

Amory Lovins: Asking Heretical Questions Future in Sound

    • Investing

Physicist Amory Lovins is co-founder and Chairman Emeritus of Rocky Mountain Institute; energy advisor to major firms and governments in 70+ countries; author of 31 books and over 700 papers; and designer of superefficient buildings, factories, and vehicles. Time magazine has named him one of the world’s 100 most influential people. Amory discusses the art of thinking differently, future trends in energy, how to unify people with diverse interests to solve shared problems and much more....

Physicist Amory Lovins is co-founder and Chairman Emeritus of Rocky Mountain Institute; energy advisor to major firms and governments in 70+ countries; author of 31 books and over 700 papers; and designer of superefficient buildings, factories, and vehicles. Time magazine has named him one of the world’s 100 most influential people. Amory discusses the art of thinking differently, future trends in energy, how to unify people with diverse interests to solve shared problems and much more....

52 min