18 min

Be More McDonalds - Building a business not a job The Annoyingly Optimistic Show

    • Entrepreneurship

Let me know how this helped you Want to super-size your success? Promise yourself not just a job, but a thriving business, one that's as streamlined and profitable as a fast-food giant. Today, we're turning the spotlight on McDonald's, drawing parallels between your venture and its sizzling success. Remember, crafting your business blueprint is as crucial as perfecting that secret sauce. It’s a lesson from my own adventure when I worked on animated videos for a well-known supermarket chain. I...

Let me know how this helped you Want to super-size your success? Promise yourself not just a job, but a thriving business, one that's as streamlined and profitable as a fast-food giant. Today, we're turning the spotlight on McDonald's, drawing parallels between your venture and its sizzling success. Remember, crafting your business blueprint is as crucial as perfecting that secret sauce. It’s a lesson from my own adventure when I worked on animated videos for a well-known supermarket chain. I...

18 min