23 min

Blue Zone Friendships Insider Information

    • Personal Journals

Blue Zones: regions of the world thought to have a higher than usual number of people that live much longer than average. This identification was coined by Gianni Pes and Michel Poulain. 

We have been inundated with tools, tips and products that promote the narrative of living longer lives. Most of us just want to age gracefully because being forever young takes a lot of work and collagen! However, what if I told you that the secret to living a longer, fulfilling, happier and graceful life is located in what is called the Blue Zones of the world. 

A documentary on YouTube explores the different Blue Zones located in the world and shares the tools to living a longer life. This week we discuss the Blue Zone that is Okinawa, Japan. And did you know that an aspect that is not really spoken about is actually a key point in living much longer? 

Blue Zone docuseries


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Blue Zones: regions of the world thought to have a higher than usual number of people that live much longer than average. This identification was coined by Gianni Pes and Michel Poulain. 

We have been inundated with tools, tips and products that promote the narrative of living longer lives. Most of us just want to age gracefully because being forever young takes a lot of work and collagen! However, what if I told you that the secret to living a longer, fulfilling, happier and graceful life is located in what is called the Blue Zones of the world. 

A documentary on YouTube explores the different Blue Zones located in the world and shares the tools to living a longer life. This week we discuss the Blue Zone that is Okinawa, Japan. And did you know that an aspect that is not really spoken about is actually a key point in living much longer? 

Blue Zone docuseries


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23 min