7 min

Do I Have Free Will In Salvation‪?‬ Straight Truth Podcast

    • Christianity

How Should I Pray? | Watch This Episode on YouTube

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Do I Have Free Will In Salvation?

To gain further clarity and understanding of things discussed in today’s podcast, consider listening to or watching the following sermons exposited from the Word of God, by Dr. Richard Caldwell:

The Natural Man's Response To Jesus

The Only Way To Come To Jesus

Gospel Reception (1)

Double Predestination - Pts 1 & 2

The Depraved & Desperate Condition of The Natural Man

The Glorious Grace of God

Preaching The Gospel To Christians

Wrath  & Works

The Golden Chain of Redemption

Watch this episode on Vimeo

{"@context":"http:\/\/schema.org\/","@id":"https:\/\/straighttruth.net\/do-i-have-free-will-in-salvation\/#arve-vimeo-4519355166622b57315712452928334","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\/\/player.vimeo.com\/video\/451935516?dnt=1&app_id=122963&html5=1&title=1&byline=0&portrait=0&autoplay=0","name":"How Should I Pray?","thumbnailUrl":"https:\/\/straighttruth.net\/wp-content\/uploads\/2020\/09\/STP-S12-EP07-Who-To-Pray-To-and-How-To-Pray.jpg","uploadDate":"2020-09-03","description":"How Should I Pray? This topic is addressed by Dr. Richard Caldwell on the Straight Truth Podcast"}

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Do I Have Free Will In Salvation?

This week on the Straight Truth Podcast, Dr. Richard Caldwell and host Dr. Josh Philpot discuss free will as it pertains to salvation in Christ, decision making, and choosing in general. Do we as fallen men and women choose God, do we contribute to our salvation? How does free will work with what the New Testament teaches about God pre-ordaining all things, predestination, and election? Do we have free will to decide and choose for ourselves?

Dr. Caldwell first explains that we do not contribute anything to our salvation. The faith that takes hold of God’s promise in Christ is not something that we were born with; no one is born a believer. Salvation comes about as a result of the new birth, or regeneration that Jesus speaks of with Nicodemus in John 3. Jesus explains that apart from the new birth, no one can see or enter the Kingdom of God. Ephesians chapter 2 teaches that everything about our salvation, even the faith brings salvation, is a gift from God.

When speaking of man’s freedom of the will, Dr. Caldwell says that we are all born with a measure of freedom. But it’s a unique kind of freedom that pertains to our spiritual nature. The Bible teaches that due to the fall of Adam, we are all born spiritually dead, spiritually blind, and spiritually deaf. This is a large part of the Apostle Paul’s gospel explanation in the book of Romans. He explains that before Christ, we were subject to the law of sin and death, dead in our trespasses and sins,

How Should I Pray? | Watch This Episode on YouTube

{"@context":"http:\/\/schema.org\/","@id":"https:\/\/straighttruth.net\/do-i-have-free-will-in-salvation\/#arve-youtube-fx43vko6gio6622b57314d8d020298705","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\/\/www.youtube-nocookie.com\/embed\/FX43vkO6gIo?feature=oembed&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&rel=0&autohide=1&playsinline=0&autoplay=0","name":"How Should I Pray?","thumbnailUrl":"https:\/\/straighttruth.net\/wp-content\/uploads\/2020\/09\/STP-S12-EP07-Who-To-Pray-To-and-How-To-Pray.jpg","uploadDate":"2020-09-03","description":"How Should I Pray? Richard Caldwell on the Straight Truth Podcast"}

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Related Messages

Do I Have Free Will In Salvation?

To gain further clarity and understanding of things discussed in today’s podcast, consider listening to or watching the following sermons exposited from the Word of God, by Dr. Richard Caldwell:

The Natural Man's Response To Jesus

The Only Way To Come To Jesus

Gospel Reception (1)

Double Predestination - Pts 1 & 2

The Depraved & Desperate Condition of The Natural Man

The Glorious Grace of God

Preaching The Gospel To Christians

Wrath  & Works

The Golden Chain of Redemption

Watch this episode on Vimeo

{"@context":"http:\/\/schema.org\/","@id":"https:\/\/straighttruth.net\/do-i-have-free-will-in-salvation\/#arve-vimeo-4519355166622b57315712452928334","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\/\/player.vimeo.com\/video\/451935516?dnt=1&app_id=122963&html5=1&title=1&byline=0&portrait=0&autoplay=0","name":"How Should I Pray?","thumbnailUrl":"https:\/\/straighttruth.net\/wp-content\/uploads\/2020\/09\/STP-S12-EP07-Who-To-Pray-To-and-How-To-Pray.jpg","uploadDate":"2020-09-03","description":"How Should I Pray? This topic is addressed by Dr. Richard Caldwell on the Straight Truth Podcast"}

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Do I Have Free Will In Salvation?

This week on the Straight Truth Podcast, Dr. Richard Caldwell and host Dr. Josh Philpot discuss free will as it pertains to salvation in Christ, decision making, and choosing in general. Do we as fallen men and women choose God, do we contribute to our salvation? How does free will work with what the New Testament teaches about God pre-ordaining all things, predestination, and election? Do we have free will to decide and choose for ourselves?

Dr. Caldwell first explains that we do not contribute anything to our salvation. The faith that takes hold of God’s promise in Christ is not something that we were born with; no one is born a believer. Salvation comes about as a result of the new birth, or regeneration that Jesus speaks of with Nicodemus in John 3. Jesus explains that apart from the new birth, no one can see or enter the Kingdom of God. Ephesians chapter 2 teaches that everything about our salvation, even the faith brings salvation, is a gift from God.

When speaking of man’s freedom of the will, Dr. Caldwell says that we are all born with a measure of freedom. But it’s a unique kind of freedom that pertains to our spiritual nature. The Bible teaches that due to the fall of Adam, we are all born spiritually dead, spiritually blind, and spiritually deaf. This is a large part of the Apostle Paul’s gospel explanation in the book of Romans. He explains that before Christ, we were subject to the law of sin and death, dead in our trespasses and sins,

7 min