41 min

Downton Abbey -The Podcast (Series 1 Episode 5 - ’A Flowery Affair”) - From Antique Dust Antique Dust - The Podcast

    • TV Reviews

In this week's episode of Downton Abbey, the Crawley family and the servants prepare for the annual flower show. But even as they enjoy the festivities, they are also dealing with some serious challenges.
Isobel is upset to learn that Countess Violet has won the Grantham Cup for Best Bloom for the past 10 years, even though Molesley's father grows the best roses. Violet denies any wrongdoing, but Isobel is not convinced. Isobel is a kind and compassionate woman, and she believes that Molesley's father deserves to win the award. She is determined to find out the truth, and she sets out to investigate.
Daisy is still shaken by the events of the previous episode, when she witnessed the death of Mr. Pamuk in Lady Mary's room. O'Brien and Thomas continue to scheme against her, and they try to get her to tell Lady Edith about Mr. Pamuk's death. Daisy is scared and confused, and she doesn't know who to trust. She is afraid that if she tells anyone what she knows, she will be blamed for Mr. Pamuk's death.
Bates is framed for stealing a snuff box by O'Brien and Thomas. Anna and Bates are able to clear Bates' name, but the incident leaves them shaken. Bates is a good man, and he is innocent of the crime. But O'Brien and Thomas are determined to ruin his life. They will stop at nothing to get what they want.
Lady Mary is still dealing with the fallout from Mr. Pamuk's death. She is worried that her reputation has been ruined, and she is reluctant to marry Matthew Crawley. Lady Mary is a strong and independent woman, but she has been through a lot in the past few weeks. She is not sure if she is ready to move on with her life.
Sir Anthony Strallan arrives at Downton Abbey as a potential suitor for Lady Mary. He is everything that Matthew is not: old, stuffy, and not very attractive. Lady Mary is not interested in him, but her mother, Lady Cora, is determined to see her married. Lady Cora is a loving and supportive mother, but she can be a bit overbearing at times. She wants what is best for her daughter, but she needs to learn to let her go.
The episode ends with the flower show. Isobel is overjoyed when Molesley's father wins the Grantham Cup. Lady Mary is also happy, as she realizes that she does not need to marry Sir Anthony Strallan to be happy. She can be happy on her own terms.

In this week's episode of Downton Abbey, the Crawley family and the servants prepare for the annual flower show. But even as they enjoy the festivities, they are also dealing with some serious challenges.
Isobel is upset to learn that Countess Violet has won the Grantham Cup for Best Bloom for the past 10 years, even though Molesley's father grows the best roses. Violet denies any wrongdoing, but Isobel is not convinced. Isobel is a kind and compassionate woman, and she believes that Molesley's father deserves to win the award. She is determined to find out the truth, and she sets out to investigate.
Daisy is still shaken by the events of the previous episode, when she witnessed the death of Mr. Pamuk in Lady Mary's room. O'Brien and Thomas continue to scheme against her, and they try to get her to tell Lady Edith about Mr. Pamuk's death. Daisy is scared and confused, and she doesn't know who to trust. She is afraid that if she tells anyone what she knows, she will be blamed for Mr. Pamuk's death.
Bates is framed for stealing a snuff box by O'Brien and Thomas. Anna and Bates are able to clear Bates' name, but the incident leaves them shaken. Bates is a good man, and he is innocent of the crime. But O'Brien and Thomas are determined to ruin his life. They will stop at nothing to get what they want.
Lady Mary is still dealing with the fallout from Mr. Pamuk's death. She is worried that her reputation has been ruined, and she is reluctant to marry Matthew Crawley. Lady Mary is a strong and independent woman, but she has been through a lot in the past few weeks. She is not sure if she is ready to move on with her life.
Sir Anthony Strallan arrives at Downton Abbey as a potential suitor for Lady Mary. He is everything that Matthew is not: old, stuffy, and not very attractive. Lady Mary is not interested in him, but her mother, Lady Cora, is determined to see her married. Lady Cora is a loving and supportive mother, but she can be a bit overbearing at times. She wants what is best for her daughter, but she needs to learn to let her go.
The episode ends with the flower show. Isobel is overjoyed when Molesley's father wins the Grantham Cup. Lady Mary is also happy, as she realizes that she does not need to marry Sir Anthony Strallan to be happy. She can be happy on her own terms.

41 min