39 min

Dr Sian Edwards - Platfform Wellbeing The Burnt Chef Journal

    • Mental Health

On The Burnt Chef Journal this week, Kris is joined by Dr Sian Edwards, Head of Training and Delivery for Platfform Wellbeing.
Sian has a background in psychology and has worked across a number of sectors, including Clinical, Forensic, and Sport Psychology.
Her specialism is mental health in performance environments, and her PhD explored the mental health experiences of high-performing athletes and part of Sian's role at Platfform is to use this learning to help change organisational culture and create environments that help people to thrive.
Through research, practice, and her own personal experience of mental health challenges, Sian has become a firm believer that our mental health cannot be separated from our social context and she is proud to be part of an organisation that challenges the medical model of mental health.We hope you enjoy this episode as we explore personal wellbeing! Find out more about Platfform Wellbeing here: https://www.platfformwellbeing.com/

On The Burnt Chef Journal this week, Kris is joined by Dr Sian Edwards, Head of Training and Delivery for Platfform Wellbeing.
Sian has a background in psychology and has worked across a number of sectors, including Clinical, Forensic, and Sport Psychology.
Her specialism is mental health in performance environments, and her PhD explored the mental health experiences of high-performing athletes and part of Sian's role at Platfform is to use this learning to help change organisational culture and create environments that help people to thrive.
Through research, practice, and her own personal experience of mental health challenges, Sian has become a firm believer that our mental health cannot be separated from our social context and she is proud to be part of an organisation that challenges the medical model of mental health.We hope you enjoy this episode as we explore personal wellbeing! Find out more about Platfform Wellbeing here: https://www.platfformwellbeing.com/

39 min