1 hr 17 min

E12 Rimi Chakraborty on Closing Big Corporate Deals to Becoming an Inspirational Spiritual Guide Evolving Door

    • Personal Journals

See Rimi's work at https://www.minuvida.com https://www.rootsilience.com

02.37- When Rimi was 15 her parents got divorced, and she was calling for attention in all the wrong ways

5.38 - Her mother made it her mission to make Rimi's childhood different to her own in India. Both her parents really supported her education.

7.58- Her father remarried an African American woman and they visited India, her dad said it was very upsetting for him. Indians would offer Rimi whitening cream when she visited India after she’d got a tan.

8.57- Rimis' friends would get money for getting B’s on their report cards but Rimi’s dad would ask her why she got an A-minus when she should be getting A-pluses.

12.16- Her first job was on Wall Street, she tried to exceed expectations, and it led to promotions, she closed a huge deal and she was invited to breakfast, ‘’the exclusive Wall Street club’’ by the CEO.

17.13- Rimi began yoga because of a dare from her friend when she was 19 and she got hooked on it, it would help her relieve stress.

19.06- Rimi thought it was cool that she could smoke weed with her colleagues and bragged about it to her friends but what she realised was that they were trying to constantly numb themselves.

21.51- She realised that trying to get happiness outside of herself wasn’t going to happen with regard to drugs and alcohol. ‘‘What we need is right here within us’’. When she was being a rebel as a child, it was her growing and learning.

24.12- Rather than thinking he or she’s doing better than me or they’re getting more spotlight we should lift each other up and help each other.

29.52- During yoga classes she would recognise the voice in her head, she would hear it, if you’re not hearing it, you’re not aware.

31.17 - After successes at work she would go to yoga rather than going out drinking, she felt it was far more fulfilling and nourishing than the bender she’d go on.

33.15- Rimi took a trip to the Azores in Portugal where her husband is from to plan their wedding, she fell in love with the place.

35.32- Rimi’s aunt had died and left her with her life insurance policy, Rimi and her husband decided that they should invest the money in moving to Portugal. She turned down her dream job to make the possibility of moving to Portugal more real.

37.13- She named the business after her aunt ‘Minu Vida’ - it was a business of inspirational, motivational, educational, natural retreats.

41.03- Both Rimi and her husband had quit their jobs, they didn’t anticipate the renovation costs being so high and without 3 months both of their bank accounts were empty. 

48.52- Asking for help isn’t a weakness,if you don’t ask for help you’ll become lonely. Help stands for Hello Eternal Loving Presence.

56.19- Rimi's spirituality has gone from one physical yoga practice a week to being at the forefront of her mind pretty much constantly, and she’s always aware of it. She meditates every day and it has changed her life.

01.01.58- Rimi believes that we live on, life is never-ending but you’ve got to stay in your own lane and not interfere with anybody that’s not ready to believe in spirituality yet.

01.06.24- Your experience isn’t right, my experience isn’t right, it’s just we’re all seeing it through a different lens. But if you use the spiritual world for your own gain then it will always backfire.

01.09.01- It can be scary to be open but there’s no need to be scared because it’s a playground to experiment and learn.

01.13.59- While on a zoom cooking class, her dad said 'wow Rimi I’m so proud of you. I’m so proud of what you’ve created. I’m so glad that you’re happy and you and your husband have a beautiful life.'

01.17.13- If you want to visit Rimi go to https://www.minuvida.com/

To find out more about the women’s leadership series you can visit https://www.rootsilience.com/

See Rimi's work at https://www.minuvida.com https://www.rootsilience.com

02.37- When Rimi was 15 her parents got divorced, and she was calling for attention in all the wrong ways

5.38 - Her mother made it her mission to make Rimi's childhood different to her own in India. Both her parents really supported her education.

7.58- Her father remarried an African American woman and they visited India, her dad said it was very upsetting for him. Indians would offer Rimi whitening cream when she visited India after she’d got a tan.

8.57- Rimis' friends would get money for getting B’s on their report cards but Rimi’s dad would ask her why she got an A-minus when she should be getting A-pluses.

12.16- Her first job was on Wall Street, she tried to exceed expectations, and it led to promotions, she closed a huge deal and she was invited to breakfast, ‘’the exclusive Wall Street club’’ by the CEO.

17.13- Rimi began yoga because of a dare from her friend when she was 19 and she got hooked on it, it would help her relieve stress.

19.06- Rimi thought it was cool that she could smoke weed with her colleagues and bragged about it to her friends but what she realised was that they were trying to constantly numb themselves.

21.51- She realised that trying to get happiness outside of herself wasn’t going to happen with regard to drugs and alcohol. ‘‘What we need is right here within us’’. When she was being a rebel as a child, it was her growing and learning.

24.12- Rather than thinking he or she’s doing better than me or they’re getting more spotlight we should lift each other up and help each other.

29.52- During yoga classes she would recognise the voice in her head, she would hear it, if you’re not hearing it, you’re not aware.

31.17 - After successes at work she would go to yoga rather than going out drinking, she felt it was far more fulfilling and nourishing than the bender she’d go on.

33.15- Rimi took a trip to the Azores in Portugal where her husband is from to plan their wedding, she fell in love with the place.

35.32- Rimi’s aunt had died and left her with her life insurance policy, Rimi and her husband decided that they should invest the money in moving to Portugal. She turned down her dream job to make the possibility of moving to Portugal more real.

37.13- She named the business after her aunt ‘Minu Vida’ - it was a business of inspirational, motivational, educational, natural retreats.

41.03- Both Rimi and her husband had quit their jobs, they didn’t anticipate the renovation costs being so high and without 3 months both of their bank accounts were empty. 

48.52- Asking for help isn’t a weakness,if you don’t ask for help you’ll become lonely. Help stands for Hello Eternal Loving Presence.

56.19- Rimi's spirituality has gone from one physical yoga practice a week to being at the forefront of her mind pretty much constantly, and she’s always aware of it. She meditates every day and it has changed her life.

01.01.58- Rimi believes that we live on, life is never-ending but you’ve got to stay in your own lane and not interfere with anybody that’s not ready to believe in spirituality yet.

01.06.24- Your experience isn’t right, my experience isn’t right, it’s just we’re all seeing it through a different lens. But if you use the spiritual world for your own gain then it will always backfire.

01.09.01- It can be scary to be open but there’s no need to be scared because it’s a playground to experiment and learn.

01.13.59- While on a zoom cooking class, her dad said 'wow Rimi I’m so proud of you. I’m so proud of what you’ve created. I’m so glad that you’re happy and you and your husband have a beautiful life.'

01.17.13- If you want to visit Rimi go to https://www.minuvida.com/

To find out more about the women’s leadership series you can visit https://www.rootsilience.com/

1 hr 17 min