23 min

Ep. 037 Being Intentional With Your Content With Suz Chadwick Cracking Content Podcast

    • Marketing

Welcome to the Cracking Content Podcast, helping entrepreneurs to amplify their expertise through storytelling, content, and PR so they can get more sales and make a bigger impact. Every business has a story to tell. Don't be afraid to tell it.
In this week’s podcast I have got an amazing guest for you, Suz Chadwick, who is a personal branding expert. 
{0:55} Suz: I am a personal branding coach and a business coach and a speaker coach. So all the things. But for me, it's really about supporting women to become bold and powerful voices in their industry and claim their space with confidence. And so really taking a look at how are they developing their brand, what are they known for? How are they becoming more vocal and visible? 
{01:46} Claire: So which content do you like creating the best?
Suz: For me, I have to say that I've actually built my business on Instagram Stories. I always joke around and say I built a multi six-figure business with a cat filter on.
{2:35} Suz: So for me, it's amazing at engaging my audience, but it also has been able to kind of boost the engagement and the reach on my Instagram in general. And then I find that when I get clients and I ask them why they decided to go with me or how they found me, they're like, "I listen to your podcast and I watch you on Stories just about every day and I feel like I know you." 
{3:39} Suz: It's sharing that content as well in so many different avenues and forms, but it's just making sure that that message is always consistent. 
{3:50} Claire: Being consistent with the message so people know exactly who you are and how you can help them is absolutely key.
{4:01} Claire:I think what's interesting about Clubhouse is that they're real time conversations. And in fact, we met on Clubhouse. I think it's been a great place to network and a great way to grow an audience quickly.
{6:10} Suz: Clubhouse has allowed me to expand my network on a global basis at a speed that I haven't seen in any other social platform before in a free platform. And so, yes, I can pay for ads to get into the US and the UK and wherever else, but I can literally go into a room and I've got people from all over the world. And now my network in the US is so much bigger than it was, which is amazing. And something that was a real goal of mine actually in the last year was to break into the US and build my network and my brand there. And I feel like Clubhouse is really allowing me to start to do that as well, which is fantastic. So, yeah, it's super interesting. Plus, once you start getting clients from it, once again, it does become a little bit addictive. You're like, "Maybe I should get back on."
{8:19} Claire: That is the cool thing about Clubhouse, isn't it, is that you can listen like radio? So you can be doing other things.
{10:43} Claire: What's made a difference to your business life, if you think of content creators or content that you've consumed?
Suz: I would have to say podcasts would be the number one thing. So when I'm not working, when I'm out for a walk, going shopping, doing the dishes, cooking, whatever it is, I'm listening to a podcast. And it can be a podcast on feminism. It could be a podcast on business. It could be anything. But podcasts for me as far as content creation goes because it's on the go and it's something I can do anywhere.
{13:40} Claire: So when it comes to the things that have made the biggest impact on your business, you've shared that your own podcast and stories. What else have you done that's made a really big difference?
Suz: Speaking, 100% speaking. So when I speak, and I used to be a debater in school. So I started speaking when I was 16. And then when I was in corporate, they used to roll me out for corporate conferences because everybody else was like, "I'm not speaking." I'd be like, "I'll do it." And then when I got into my own business, it was so interesting. I talk about this all the time, as well, is that I think a lot of people

Welcome to the Cracking Content Podcast, helping entrepreneurs to amplify their expertise through storytelling, content, and PR so they can get more sales and make a bigger impact. Every business has a story to tell. Don't be afraid to tell it.
In this week’s podcast I have got an amazing guest for you, Suz Chadwick, who is a personal branding expert. 
{0:55} Suz: I am a personal branding coach and a business coach and a speaker coach. So all the things. But for me, it's really about supporting women to become bold and powerful voices in their industry and claim their space with confidence. And so really taking a look at how are they developing their brand, what are they known for? How are they becoming more vocal and visible? 
{01:46} Claire: So which content do you like creating the best?
Suz: For me, I have to say that I've actually built my business on Instagram Stories. I always joke around and say I built a multi six-figure business with a cat filter on.
{2:35} Suz: So for me, it's amazing at engaging my audience, but it also has been able to kind of boost the engagement and the reach on my Instagram in general. And then I find that when I get clients and I ask them why they decided to go with me or how they found me, they're like, "I listen to your podcast and I watch you on Stories just about every day and I feel like I know you." 
{3:39} Suz: It's sharing that content as well in so many different avenues and forms, but it's just making sure that that message is always consistent. 
{3:50} Claire: Being consistent with the message so people know exactly who you are and how you can help them is absolutely key.
{4:01} Claire:I think what's interesting about Clubhouse is that they're real time conversations. And in fact, we met on Clubhouse. I think it's been a great place to network and a great way to grow an audience quickly.
{6:10} Suz: Clubhouse has allowed me to expand my network on a global basis at a speed that I haven't seen in any other social platform before in a free platform. And so, yes, I can pay for ads to get into the US and the UK and wherever else, but I can literally go into a room and I've got people from all over the world. And now my network in the US is so much bigger than it was, which is amazing. And something that was a real goal of mine actually in the last year was to break into the US and build my network and my brand there. And I feel like Clubhouse is really allowing me to start to do that as well, which is fantastic. So, yeah, it's super interesting. Plus, once you start getting clients from it, once again, it does become a little bit addictive. You're like, "Maybe I should get back on."
{8:19} Claire: That is the cool thing about Clubhouse, isn't it, is that you can listen like radio? So you can be doing other things.
{10:43} Claire: What's made a difference to your business life, if you think of content creators or content that you've consumed?
Suz: I would have to say podcasts would be the number one thing. So when I'm not working, when I'm out for a walk, going shopping, doing the dishes, cooking, whatever it is, I'm listening to a podcast. And it can be a podcast on feminism. It could be a podcast on business. It could be anything. But podcasts for me as far as content creation goes because it's on the go and it's something I can do anywhere.
{13:40} Claire: So when it comes to the things that have made the biggest impact on your business, you've shared that your own podcast and stories. What else have you done that's made a really big difference?
Suz: Speaking, 100% speaking. So when I speak, and I used to be a debater in school. So I started speaking when I was 16. And then when I was in corporate, they used to roll me out for corporate conferences because everybody else was like, "I'm not speaking." I'd be like, "I'll do it." And then when I got into my own business, it was so interesting. I talk about this all the time, as well, is that I think a lot of people

23 min