24 min

Ep. 113 - Teen bereavement | Joanne Harpel Understand Suicide

    • Mental Health

My guest today is Joanne Harpel, president of Coping after suicide and executive producer of the film “Talking Out Loud: Teen suicide loss, a Conversation.” She lost her brother Stephen to suicide in 1993. Since then, Joanne has been working on prevention and postvention, particularly with support groups. 

Our focus today is teen bereavement, a topic very rarely explored even here on my podcast. I watched her film at the convention and learned so much from it that I decided to share it with you, so let’s listen to her journey and how she has transformed lives since her loss.

This interview is the first of a week-long series, during which I will be publishing at least one episode every day directly from the 57th conference of the American Association of Suicidology, AAS.

Join me daily for interviews with key speakers, researchers, and loss survivors.

Watch the film: https://t.ly/uCs1h

Are you looking for a suicide loss support group? Join mine, it's online. 

See details here: https://t.ly/YsdKG

Visit my page www.understandsuicide.com 

Enroll in my course "How to help suicidal people"


Find my book: Understanding suicide: living with Loss, paths to Prevention


If you need to talk, contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline:


Phone: 800-273-8255

My guest today is Joanne Harpel, president of Coping after suicide and executive producer of the film “Talking Out Loud: Teen suicide loss, a Conversation.” She lost her brother Stephen to suicide in 1993. Since then, Joanne has been working on prevention and postvention, particularly with support groups. 

Our focus today is teen bereavement, a topic very rarely explored even here on my podcast. I watched her film at the convention and learned so much from it that I decided to share it with you, so let’s listen to her journey and how she has transformed lives since her loss.

This interview is the first of a week-long series, during which I will be publishing at least one episode every day directly from the 57th conference of the American Association of Suicidology, AAS.

Join me daily for interviews with key speakers, researchers, and loss survivors.

Watch the film: https://t.ly/uCs1h

Are you looking for a suicide loss support group? Join mine, it's online. 

See details here: https://t.ly/YsdKG

Visit my page www.understandsuicide.com 

Enroll in my course "How to help suicidal people"


Find my book: Understanding suicide: living with Loss, paths to Prevention


If you need to talk, contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline:


Phone: 800-273-8255

24 min