25 min

Ep. 116 - How parents can help kids at risk | Nicole and Caroline Understand Suicide

    • Mental Health

My guests today are Nicole Siegfried and Caroline Nichols. In this interview, they help us figure out how parents and families can help kids who struggle with suicidal thoughts, ideation, and previous attempts.

This interview is the fourth of a week-long series, during which I will be publishing at least one episode every day directly from the 57th conference of the American Association of Suicidology, AAS, in Las Vegas. 

Join me daily for interviews with key speakers, researchers, and loss survivors.

Are you looking for a suicide loss support group? Join mine, it's online. 

See details here: https://t.ly/YsdKG

Find Nicole and Caroline:https://lightfully.com/

Visit my page www.understandsuicide.com 

Enroll in my course "How to help suicidal people"


Find my book: Understanding suicide: living with Loss, paths to Prevention


If you need to talk, contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline:


Phone: 800-273-8255

My guests today are Nicole Siegfried and Caroline Nichols. In this interview, they help us figure out how parents and families can help kids who struggle with suicidal thoughts, ideation, and previous attempts.

This interview is the fourth of a week-long series, during which I will be publishing at least one episode every day directly from the 57th conference of the American Association of Suicidology, AAS, in Las Vegas. 

Join me daily for interviews with key speakers, researchers, and loss survivors.

Are you looking for a suicide loss support group? Join mine, it's online. 

See details here: https://t.ly/YsdKG

Find Nicole and Caroline:https://lightfully.com/

Visit my page www.understandsuicide.com 

Enroll in my course "How to help suicidal people"


Find my book: Understanding suicide: living with Loss, paths to Prevention


If you need to talk, contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline:


Phone: 800-273-8255

25 min