1 hr

Ep. 140: Jamie Woodhouse - On Sentientism, Science, and A Bit of Blade Runner The All Things Risk Podcast

    • Personal Journals

This episode takes on a topic we’ve not tackled before – sentientism. My guest is Jamie Woodhouse. Jamie is an advisor, campaigner and a former colleague of mine (he was a partner at Accenture). For the purposes of this episode however, he is a sentientist. Sentientism is an ethical philosophy that uses reason and evidence to consider all sentient beings – that is, beings that can experience suffering or flourishing.
Jamie runs a website on the topic, campaigns and provides thought leadership on this topic. This is a conversation that is increasingly relevant given Covid19 and our relationship with the natural world. It is also relevant because it isn’t possible to discuss this topic without discussing reason, evidence and science.
In this episode, we cover:
What sentientism is and arguments for it; How it differs from ethical veganism; Why secular humanism (which embraces human reason and ethics as the basis for morality and decision-making) needs an overhaul; Tribalism and why many of us don’t change our minds in light of evidence contrary to our views; Sentientism and artificial intelligence – which led us to the film Blade Runner of course; Much more Show notes:
Sentientism on Twitter;
Sentientism Facebook Group;
Jamie’s website;
Jamie on Twitter;
Peter Singer
Jonathan Haidt
The Precipice: Existential Risk and the Future of Humanity by Toby Ord
Blade Runner
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Drop us a note: allthingsrisk@gmail.com 
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Our free course module “How to Set Up Any Decision for Success” from our upcoming course How to Make Decisions With Calm and Confidence

This episode takes on a topic we’ve not tackled before – sentientism. My guest is Jamie Woodhouse. Jamie is an advisor, campaigner and a former colleague of mine (he was a partner at Accenture). For the purposes of this episode however, he is a sentientist. Sentientism is an ethical philosophy that uses reason and evidence to consider all sentient beings – that is, beings that can experience suffering or flourishing.
Jamie runs a website on the topic, campaigns and provides thought leadership on this topic. This is a conversation that is increasingly relevant given Covid19 and our relationship with the natural world. It is also relevant because it isn’t possible to discuss this topic without discussing reason, evidence and science.
In this episode, we cover:
What sentientism is and arguments for it; How it differs from ethical veganism; Why secular humanism (which embraces human reason and ethics as the basis for morality and decision-making) needs an overhaul; Tribalism and why many of us don’t change our minds in light of evidence contrary to our views; Sentientism and artificial intelligence – which led us to the film Blade Runner of course; Much more Show notes:
Sentientism on Twitter;
Sentientism Facebook Group;
Jamie’s website;
Jamie on Twitter;
Peter Singer
Jonathan Haidt
The Precipice: Existential Risk and the Future of Humanity by Toby Ord
Blade Runner
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Like what you heard?
Subscribe and/or leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts: http://apple.co/1PjLmK
Subscribe on Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/all-things-risk/the-all-things-risk-podcast
Subscribe on Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/ben-cattaneo
Follow the podcast on Twitter: https://twitter.com/RiskThings
Drop us a note: allthingsrisk@gmail.com 
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Our free course module “How to Set Up Any Decision for Success” from our upcoming course How to Make Decisions With Calm and Confidence

1 hr