35 min

Ep37 – The Risk of Sub-Contracting Johnson & Boon Podcast

    • Management

Does your business use sub contractors? Are you a sub contractor yourself? If so, this is definitely the episode for you as commercial expert Robert Boon discusses how these types of relationships need to be structured in order to avoid a whole host of problems further down the line.

For more information and details of the full range of services on offer, you can visit the Johnson & Boon Solicitors website.

If you would like some further help or advice, you can call our offices on 0151 637 2034 or email info@johnsonandboon.co.uk

You can also follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram & Twitter where we post the latest news, updates and useful tips. You can also listen to the show on YouTube.

Other Episodes



Johnson & Boon, Podcasts

Ep41 – Should you sell your Business through an Auction?

June 24, 2021

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When you think of auctions do images of hammers, paddles being raised by poker faced folks & the ultimate bargain pop into your head? Well did you know you can buy or sell a...Read more



Johnson & Boon, Podcasts

Ep40 – Can an employer demand staff take COVID tests?

May 20, 2021

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This week we discuss a very topical subject - can employers demand staff take COVID tests?

With many businesses opening up, in some instances for the first time in 18 months, and with all required...Read more



Johnson & Boon, Podcasts

Ep39 – Why setup a Limited Liability Partnership

April 27, 2021

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You may have heard of a Limited Liability Partnership business or LLP, but do you know what they are and why you might want to choose this business structure over being a Limited company...Read more



Johnson & Boon, Podcasts

Ep38 – Have you inadvertently waived the right to forfeit your lease?

March 24, 2021

Does your business use sub contractors? Are you a sub contractor yourself? If so, this is definitely the episode for you as commercial expert Robert Boon discusses how these types of relationships need to be structured in order to avoid a whole host of problems further down the line.

For more information and details of the full range of services on offer, you can visit the Johnson & Boon Solicitors website.

If you would like some further help or advice, you can call our offices on 0151 637 2034 or email info@johnsonandboon.co.uk

You can also follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram & Twitter where we post the latest news, updates and useful tips. You can also listen to the show on YouTube.

Other Episodes



Johnson & Boon, Podcasts

Ep41 – Should you sell your Business through an Auction?

June 24, 2021

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When you think of auctions do images of hammers, paddles being raised by poker faced folks & the ultimate bargain pop into your head? Well did you know you can buy or sell a...Read more



Johnson & Boon, Podcasts

Ep40 – Can an employer demand staff take COVID tests?

May 20, 2021

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This week we discuss a very topical subject - can employers demand staff take COVID tests?

With many businesses opening up, in some instances for the first time in 18 months, and with all required...Read more



Johnson & Boon, Podcasts

Ep39 – Why setup a Limited Liability Partnership

April 27, 2021

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You may have heard of a Limited Liability Partnership business or LLP, but do you know what they are and why you might want to choose this business structure over being a Limited company...Read more



Johnson & Boon, Podcasts

Ep38 – Have you inadvertently waived the right to forfeit your lease?

March 24, 2021

35 min