15 min

Episode 12 - The Eucharist Paradoxes in an Ancient Landscape: What a Welsh Mountain Taught Me about God & the World

    • Christianity

As Mark returns home from Cadair Idris, he considers how all the wonders he had seen consisted of the most commonplace materials: water, earth, air, and fire. Natural wonders always consist of ordinary things and costs the earth nothing, unlike our own attempts a creating marvels. This episode concludes with a reflection on the Eucharist in which the wonder of Christ's presence is found in the ordinary substances of bread and wine.

As Mark returns home from Cadair Idris, he considers how all the wonders he had seen consisted of the most commonplace materials: water, earth, air, and fire. Natural wonders always consist of ordinary things and costs the earth nothing, unlike our own attempts a creating marvels. This episode concludes with a reflection on the Eucharist in which the wonder of Christ's presence is found in the ordinary substances of bread and wine.

15 min