45 min


    • Visual Arts

Maja Smrekar is an award-winning artist and researcher. In her talk for Blessed Foundation, Smrekar, will focus on interspecies communication as a platform that allowed her to explore the imprint of ideology, media and technologies on human and non-human entities. Smrekar will also address her fear of natural sciences that she has managed to overcome thanks to her intuitive connection with nature.

Please contact info@blessed-foundation.org for more information about Blessed Foundation and the Artists featured on the podcast.

Maja Smrekar is an award-winning artist and researcher. In her talk for Blessed Foundation, Smrekar, will focus on interspecies communication as a platform that allowed her to explore the imprint of ideology, media and technologies on human and non-human entities. Smrekar will also address her fear of natural sciences that she has managed to overcome thanks to her intuitive connection with nature.

Please contact info@blessed-foundation.org for more information about Blessed Foundation and the Artists featured on the podcast.

45 min