1 hr

How to leave a legacy of better health for women with - Dr Kristin Stovern Mindset, Mood & Movement

    • Self-Improvement

This podcast episode features an insightful conversation with my guest, Kristin Stovern, focusing on women's health and the importance of understanding the holistic nature of health. Kristin emphasizes that health encompasses not just physical well-being but also mental, emotional, and social aspects. She discusses the significance of menstrual cycles as vital signs, providing a detailed explanation of the different phases and how they influence a woman's energy levels, emotional state, and overall health.
Kristin highlights the need to address women's health issues, particularly in the United States, where there is a maternal health crisis and a lack of research and understanding surrounding women's health concerns. She encourages women to embrace their worth and advocate for themselves, challenging the societal norms and biases that have often dismissed or undervalued women's health experiences.
Key Learnings:
1. Health is holistic, encompassing mind, body, relationships, and environment.
2. Menstrual cycles are vital signs that provide insights into a woman's overall health and well-being.
3. Understanding the different phases of the menstrual cycle (follicular, ovulation, luteal) and their associated hormonal changes can help women navigate their energy levels, emotional states, and physical needs.
4. Movement, sunlight exposure, and strength training can positively impact hormonal health and overall well-being.
5. Women's health issues, particularly in the United States, have been underrepresented, and women often face dismissal or bias in healthcare settings.
6. Embracing self-worth and advocating for oneself are crucial steps in improving women's health experiences.
7. Acknowledging and validating women's experiences, trauma, and emotions can contribute to personal growth and better health outcomes.
Show Notes:
Show Notes with time stamps: (feel free to jump to a section of you preference)
Introduction [00:00 - 01:30]
- Overview of the episode's focus on better health for women
Defining Better Health [01:30 - 03:00]  
- Holistic view of health: mind, body, relationships, environment
- Importance of looking at health from an integrated perspective
Women's Health Crisis [03:00 - 06:00]
- Maternal health outcomes as a benchmark for a nation's health
- Worsening maternal health crisis in the U.S. despite medical advancements
- Disproportionate impact on Black and Brown communities
- Need for empowering individuals to drive positive change
Meeting People Where They Are [06:00 - 09:00]
- Importance of understanding individual circumstances and barriers
- Asking questions to grasp the full context before advising
The Menstrual Cycle as a Vital Sign [09:00 - 16:00]
- Menstrual cycles provide insight into overall health and hormonal function
- Overview of the follicular, ovulation, and luteal phases
- How cycles influence energy levels, moods, nutrition needs
- Importance of listening to your body's cyclical needs
Integrative Approach to Emotions & Mental Health [16:00 - 29:00]
- Interconnectedness of hormones, organs, and emotional experience  
- Looking at the full context: sleep, relationships, diet, medications, etc.
- Using self-awareness to navigate emotions through cyclical changes
The Power of Movement [29:00 - 38:00]
- Benefits of movement for hormonal balance and mental health
- Importance of strength training for longevity, bone health, preventing dementia
- Even 10-15 minutes per day can make a significant difference
Identity, Self-Worth & Leaving a Legacy [38:00 - 58:00]
- How...

This podcast episode features an insightful conversation with my guest, Kristin Stovern, focusing on women's health and the importance of understanding the holistic nature of health. Kristin emphasizes that health encompasses not just physical well-being but also mental, emotional, and social aspects. She discusses the significance of menstrual cycles as vital signs, providing a detailed explanation of the different phases and how they influence a woman's energy levels, emotional state, and overall health.
Kristin highlights the need to address women's health issues, particularly in the United States, where there is a maternal health crisis and a lack of research and understanding surrounding women's health concerns. She encourages women to embrace their worth and advocate for themselves, challenging the societal norms and biases that have often dismissed or undervalued women's health experiences.
Key Learnings:
1. Health is holistic, encompassing mind, body, relationships, and environment.
2. Menstrual cycles are vital signs that provide insights into a woman's overall health and well-being.
3. Understanding the different phases of the menstrual cycle (follicular, ovulation, luteal) and their associated hormonal changes can help women navigate their energy levels, emotional states, and physical needs.
4. Movement, sunlight exposure, and strength training can positively impact hormonal health and overall well-being.
5. Women's health issues, particularly in the United States, have been underrepresented, and women often face dismissal or bias in healthcare settings.
6. Embracing self-worth and advocating for oneself are crucial steps in improving women's health experiences.
7. Acknowledging and validating women's experiences, trauma, and emotions can contribute to personal growth and better health outcomes.
Show Notes:
Show Notes with time stamps: (feel free to jump to a section of you preference)
Introduction [00:00 - 01:30]
- Overview of the episode's focus on better health for women
Defining Better Health [01:30 - 03:00]  
- Holistic view of health: mind, body, relationships, environment
- Importance of looking at health from an integrated perspective
Women's Health Crisis [03:00 - 06:00]
- Maternal health outcomes as a benchmark for a nation's health
- Worsening maternal health crisis in the U.S. despite medical advancements
- Disproportionate impact on Black and Brown communities
- Need for empowering individuals to drive positive change
Meeting People Where They Are [06:00 - 09:00]
- Importance of understanding individual circumstances and barriers
- Asking questions to grasp the full context before advising
The Menstrual Cycle as a Vital Sign [09:00 - 16:00]
- Menstrual cycles provide insight into overall health and hormonal function
- Overview of the follicular, ovulation, and luteal phases
- How cycles influence energy levels, moods, nutrition needs
- Importance of listening to your body's cyclical needs
Integrative Approach to Emotions & Mental Health [16:00 - 29:00]
- Interconnectedness of hormones, organs, and emotional experience  
- Looking at the full context: sleep, relationships, diet, medications, etc.
- Using self-awareness to navigate emotions through cyclical changes
The Power of Movement [29:00 - 38:00]
- Benefits of movement for hormonal balance and mental health
- Importance of strength training for longevity, bone health, preventing dementia
- Even 10-15 minutes per day can make a significant difference
Identity, Self-Worth & Leaving a Legacy [38:00 - 58:00]
- How...

1 hr