1 hr 15 min

How to WASH your car with a FIRE EXTINGUISHER!🧯�‪�‬ Chez Jandy

    • News Commentary

On tonight’s pod:

Microsoft ruins everything! 🖥️

How on earth does TikTok work? 

A man cleans his car with a fire extinguisher! 🧯🚙

Should kids go to the gym? 🏋️‍♀️

Have you ever heard of Onion Bread? 

David Goggins is a machine! 

How old is the oldest Goldfish? 

And Joe falls in a Bush 😂

Sit back, relax and enjoy!
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Find us on Instagram @chez_jandy.

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On tonight’s pod:

Microsoft ruins everything! 🖥️

How on earth does TikTok work? 

A man cleans his car with a fire extinguisher! 🧯🚙

Should kids go to the gym? 🏋️‍♀️

Have you ever heard of Onion Bread? 

David Goggins is a machine! 

How old is the oldest Goldfish? 

And Joe falls in a Bush 😂

Sit back, relax and enjoy!
Support the show
Find us on Instagram @chez_jandy.

Find us on TikTok @chezjandy.

Share, like, comment, subscribe, or AirDrop to a stranger!

1 hr 15 min