21 min

S2E2 From corporate to start-up: Valerie Creusailor | O Gorfforaethol I Fusnesau Newydd Inspiring Women Wales | Ysbrydoli Menywod Cymru

    • Entrepreneurship

Can you really leave a corporate career to build a successful business from a passion project?

Accountant Valerie Creusailor loved hosting barbecues for family and friends. They would compliment her and her husband on the sauces they made, which were inspired by their African heritage. Their guests suggested they should sell them - and there the idea of Goch & Co was born.

In this episode, Gemma chats with Valerie about finding the confidence to invest in the new business, managing cashflow, and lessons that can be carried over from a corporate career - and even personal life - to a family business.

A allwch chi wir adael gyrfa gorfforaethol i adeiladu busnes llwyddiannus o brosiect angerdd?

Roedd y cyfrifydd Valerie Creusailor wrth ei fodd yn cynnal barbeciws ar gyfer teulu a ffrindiau. Byddent yn ei ategu hi a'i gŵr ar y sawsiau a wnaethant, a gafodd eu hysbrydoli gan eu treftadaeth Affricanaidd. Awgrymodd eu gwesteion y dylen nhw eu gwerthu - ac yno cafodd y syniad o Goch &Co ei eni.

Yn y bennod hon, mae Gemma yn sgwrsio gyda Valerie am ddod o hyd i'r hyder i fuddsoddi yn y busnes newydd, rheoli llif arian, a gwersi y gellir eu cario drosodd o yrfa gorfforaethol - a hyd yn oed bywyd personol - i fusnes teuluol.

Pynciau Pennod:

01:07: Cefndir i Goch &Co, wedi'i ysbrydoli gan dreftadaeth Affricanaidd.

03:06: Coginio i deulu a ffrindiau a chael eu hysbrydoli i fynd i fusnes.

04:51: Graddio o goginio gartref i symud i safleoedd masnachol.

06:47: Cael yr hyder i fuddsoddi yn y busnes.

09:15: Awgrymiadau am reoli llif arian.

11:26: Gwerth rhwydweithio a chydweithio.

14:28: Tyfu eich tîm ac adeiladu diwylliant da.

17:26: Dod â sgiliau o yrfa flaenorol neu fywyd personol i fusnes.

19:19: Cynlluniau i'r dyfodol.

20:07: Gwneud prosiect angerdd yn fusnes llawn amser.

Episode topics:

01:07: Background to Goch & Co, inspired by African heritage.

03:06: Cooking for family & friends & being inspired to go into business.

04:51: Scaling up from cooking at home to moving into commercial premises.

06:47: Having the confidence to invest in the business.

09:15: Tips for managing cashflow.

11:26: The value of networking and collaborating.

14:28: Growing your team and building a good culture.

17:26: Bringing skills from a previous career or personal life into a business.

19:19: Future plans.

20:07: Making a passion project a full-time business.


Visit Goch & Co's website here: https://www.gochandcompany.co/

Read more about the Alison Rose Review of Female Entrepreneurship here: https://natwestbusinesshub.com/articles/rose-review-2022-a-fresh-drive-to-boost-the-number-of-female-entrepreneurs

Find out more about the NatWest Accelerator Programme here: https://www.natwest.com/business/business-services/entrepreneur-accelerator.html

Find out more about NatWest's tailored support for women in business here: https://www.natwest.com/business/business-services/women-in-business.html

Can you really leave a corporate career to build a successful business from a passion project?

Accountant Valerie Creusailor loved hosting barbecues for family and friends. They would compliment her and her husband on the sauces they made, which were inspired by their African heritage. Their guests suggested they should sell them - and there the idea of Goch & Co was born.

In this episode, Gemma chats with Valerie about finding the confidence to invest in the new business, managing cashflow, and lessons that can be carried over from a corporate career - and even personal life - to a family business.

A allwch chi wir adael gyrfa gorfforaethol i adeiladu busnes llwyddiannus o brosiect angerdd?

Roedd y cyfrifydd Valerie Creusailor wrth ei fodd yn cynnal barbeciws ar gyfer teulu a ffrindiau. Byddent yn ei ategu hi a'i gŵr ar y sawsiau a wnaethant, a gafodd eu hysbrydoli gan eu treftadaeth Affricanaidd. Awgrymodd eu gwesteion y dylen nhw eu gwerthu - ac yno cafodd y syniad o Goch &Co ei eni.

Yn y bennod hon, mae Gemma yn sgwrsio gyda Valerie am ddod o hyd i'r hyder i fuddsoddi yn y busnes newydd, rheoli llif arian, a gwersi y gellir eu cario drosodd o yrfa gorfforaethol - a hyd yn oed bywyd personol - i fusnes teuluol.

Pynciau Pennod:

01:07: Cefndir i Goch &Co, wedi'i ysbrydoli gan dreftadaeth Affricanaidd.

03:06: Coginio i deulu a ffrindiau a chael eu hysbrydoli i fynd i fusnes.

04:51: Graddio o goginio gartref i symud i safleoedd masnachol.

06:47: Cael yr hyder i fuddsoddi yn y busnes.

09:15: Awgrymiadau am reoli llif arian.

11:26: Gwerth rhwydweithio a chydweithio.

14:28: Tyfu eich tîm ac adeiladu diwylliant da.

17:26: Dod â sgiliau o yrfa flaenorol neu fywyd personol i fusnes.

19:19: Cynlluniau i'r dyfodol.

20:07: Gwneud prosiect angerdd yn fusnes llawn amser.

Episode topics:

01:07: Background to Goch & Co, inspired by African heritage.

03:06: Cooking for family & friends & being inspired to go into business.

04:51: Scaling up from cooking at home to moving into commercial premises.

06:47: Having the confidence to invest in the business.

09:15: Tips for managing cashflow.

11:26: The value of networking and collaborating.

14:28: Growing your team and building a good culture.

17:26: Bringing skills from a previous career or personal life into a business.

19:19: Future plans.

20:07: Making a passion project a full-time business.


Visit Goch & Co's website here: https://www.gochandcompany.co/

Read more about the Alison Rose Review of Female Entrepreneurship here: https://natwestbusinesshub.com/articles/rose-review-2022-a-fresh-drive-to-boost-the-number-of-female-entrepreneurs

Find out more about the NatWest Accelerator Programme here: https://www.natwest.com/business/business-services/entrepreneur-accelerator.html

Find out more about NatWest's tailored support for women in business here: https://www.natwest.com/business/business-services/women-in-business.html

21 min