53 min

John Hamer - The Falsification of Everything The Wake Up

    • Philosophy

These messages make me smile a great deal. Thank you.John is a man of letters and a man of action, a published author who has multiple books to his name. His work has had a massive impact on "The Wake Up" especially "The Falsification of History and "The Falsification of Science".In this talk we take a lightning tour through the shibboleths of modernity such dinosaurs, evolution, space, globe earth and more. We look at the true goal of vaccination and modern satanic rituals such ...

These messages make me smile a great deal. Thank you.John is a man of letters and a man of action, a published author who has multiple books to his name. His work has had a massive impact on "The Wake Up" especially "The Falsification of History and "The Falsification of Science".In this talk we take a lightning tour through the shibboleths of modernity such dinosaurs, evolution, space, globe earth and more. We look at the true goal of vaccination and modern satanic rituals such ...

53 min