1 hr 5 min

Katherine Eden - Mastering Your Magic: Rewilding, Sacred Business and Honouring our Cycles Birthing In New Earth Podcast

    • Spirituality

Katherine Eden is a Liminality Witch, Cycle Guide, Threshold Walker, Birthkeeper, Social Worker, Sacred Business Guide and Mum to two wildlings.

She serves the energy and frequency of birth because everything begins with birth. Katherine believes that our most powerful work to heal birth (and therefore the Earth) is done as we unite on the fringes and hold space for the shadows and liminal spaces. She believes that through a rewilding process to reconnect to self, one another and the earth via ritual, ceremony, reclaiming our rites of passage and working in deep communion with the earth and our natural cycles we can & will heal (and save) the world.

In this episode, we dive deep into what it means to be a threshold walker and the importance of this work at this time on our planet. Katherine shares her journey and what led her to do the work she does.

We talk about the importance of rites of passage and how birth is the gateway to both our rebirth and the beginning of life for our child/children. We dive into what it means to rewild ourselves and how important it is to get back in touch with our cycles and our true nature.

Katherine shares about her work in helping women create sacred business that does not burn us out and how to hold space for others and the importance of circle work. She reminds us that the world suffers when we don't follow our calling.

This was a beautiful deep conversation full of beautiful gems and insights.

Connect with Katherine and all the beauty she is sharing:

Blessing, Circle Medicine & Fear Release Guides can be purchased from:
Blessing & Circle Medicine Facilitator Training is:

Find out more about:

Birthing in New Earth -

Website: www.birthinginnewearth.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/birthing_in_new_earth/
New Earth Stewardship Program: https://birthingnewearth.kartra.com/page/NKX652

The host Samantha -

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/samantha.briatico/
Website: https://www.samanthabriatico.com
Email: hello@samanthabriatico.com

I hope you enjoy this week's episode as much as I have!

Katherine Eden is a Liminality Witch, Cycle Guide, Threshold Walker, Birthkeeper, Social Worker, Sacred Business Guide and Mum to two wildlings.

She serves the energy and frequency of birth because everything begins with birth. Katherine believes that our most powerful work to heal birth (and therefore the Earth) is done as we unite on the fringes and hold space for the shadows and liminal spaces. She believes that through a rewilding process to reconnect to self, one another and the earth via ritual, ceremony, reclaiming our rites of passage and working in deep communion with the earth and our natural cycles we can & will heal (and save) the world.

In this episode, we dive deep into what it means to be a threshold walker and the importance of this work at this time on our planet. Katherine shares her journey and what led her to do the work she does.

We talk about the importance of rites of passage and how birth is the gateway to both our rebirth and the beginning of life for our child/children. We dive into what it means to rewild ourselves and how important it is to get back in touch with our cycles and our true nature.

Katherine shares about her work in helping women create sacred business that does not burn us out and how to hold space for others and the importance of circle work. She reminds us that the world suffers when we don't follow our calling.

This was a beautiful deep conversation full of beautiful gems and insights.

Connect with Katherine and all the beauty she is sharing:

Blessing, Circle Medicine & Fear Release Guides can be purchased from:
Blessing & Circle Medicine Facilitator Training is:

Find out more about:

Birthing in New Earth -

Website: www.birthinginnewearth.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/birthing_in_new_earth/
New Earth Stewardship Program: https://birthingnewearth.kartra.com/page/NKX652

The host Samantha -

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/samantha.briatico/
Website: https://www.samanthabriatico.com
Email: hello@samanthabriatico.com

I hope you enjoy this week's episode as much as I have!

1 hr 5 min