10 min

Launch Episode 004 - Get "As Seen On TV" For Your Online Course - Marianne Schwa‪b‬ High Ticket Online Courses

    • Entrepreneurship

In this episode of the High Ticket Online Courses Podcast, our guest is Marianne Schwab, a former national network TV talk show producer and author of the Experts Guide to TV Talk Shows. She helps book authors, speakers, and online entrepreneurs become sought after on-camera and go-to experts for TV and radio programs. Marianne has produced for ABC TV in New York and LA and used her insider expertise to help fortune 500 secure almost 1000 interviews. She is the go-to person to show you how to land talk show interviews.

Stick to what you know


Marianne says to only do a course in what you know and then promote it like a pro. Many experts say that you can start a course, and the only thing is you have to know one step ahead of the person you are teaching, which Marianne doesn't recommend.


You really need to stick with what you know. That's important in business.


Marianne loves what she does which is helping her cliet get talk show interviews. She has been doing that for over 25 years after she left Behind the Scenes on the Insider. She uses hr expertise to help others with what she knows.

Zone of Genius


She says that as far as the online course, it's really got to be your expertise. Once you do that, you need to put it in a gotcha kind of moment that's something news producers or talk show producers have never seen before.


Do something that no one else knows that your expertise does. Most people don't know about getting booked on talk shows because they don't think like a producer. Mariane teaches in her course how to think like a producer. One of the best things you can do if you're promoting your course is to have a media hook and a great story angle. It's not about you. It's about your expertise and your zone of genius



It's not about the book. It's not about the online course. It's about what that course teaches.


When the people that information, they want your product and not someone else's product because they heard you talk about it. You've shared that it's such a valuable thing that they want to learn more, and you've created credibility in a way that no amount of advertising can.


Marianne says that you've got to give them enough of an insider peek of it and look to how you think and that they know that you're the expert. That is what is so important about putting your online course together and what you do with your online course. You want to stay in your lane and take your expertise. Take something that you have that you know and help someone with your knowledge, and they're gonna want to know how to do it.

Lead Magnet


Marianne's lead magnet is called the 50 Media hooked templates that work. It's a fill in the blank, and it's going to take some ideas. With 50mediahooks.com, you can get the cheat sheet that will allow you to take your idea, your zone of genius, and your expertise to turn it into a media hook that will get news producers and talk show producers' attention as well.

Follow Marianne Schwarb

Website: https://www.marianneschwab.com/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marianne-schwab

Twitter: https://twitter.com/travelproducer?lang=en

In this episode of the High Ticket Online Courses Podcast, our guest is Marianne Schwab, a former national network TV talk show producer and author of the Experts Guide to TV Talk Shows. She helps book authors, speakers, and online entrepreneurs become sought after on-camera and go-to experts for TV and radio programs. Marianne has produced for ABC TV in New York and LA and used her insider expertise to help fortune 500 secure almost 1000 interviews. She is the go-to person to show you how to land talk show interviews.

Stick to what you know


Marianne says to only do a course in what you know and then promote it like a pro. Many experts say that you can start a course, and the only thing is you have to know one step ahead of the person you are teaching, which Marianne doesn't recommend.


You really need to stick with what you know. That's important in business.


Marianne loves what she does which is helping her cliet get talk show interviews. She has been doing that for over 25 years after she left Behind the Scenes on the Insider. She uses hr expertise to help others with what she knows.

Zone of Genius


She says that as far as the online course, it's really got to be your expertise. Once you do that, you need to put it in a gotcha kind of moment that's something news producers or talk show producers have never seen before.


Do something that no one else knows that your expertise does. Most people don't know about getting booked on talk shows because they don't think like a producer. Mariane teaches in her course how to think like a producer. One of the best things you can do if you're promoting your course is to have a media hook and a great story angle. It's not about you. It's about your expertise and your zone of genius



It's not about the book. It's not about the online course. It's about what that course teaches.


When the people that information, they want your product and not someone else's product because they heard you talk about it. You've shared that it's such a valuable thing that they want to learn more, and you've created credibility in a way that no amount of advertising can.


Marianne says that you've got to give them enough of an insider peek of it and look to how you think and that they know that you're the expert. That is what is so important about putting your online course together and what you do with your online course. You want to stay in your lane and take your expertise. Take something that you have that you know and help someone with your knowledge, and they're gonna want to know how to do it.

Lead Magnet


Marianne's lead magnet is called the 50 Media hooked templates that work. It's a fill in the blank, and it's going to take some ideas. With 50mediahooks.com, you can get the cheat sheet that will allow you to take your idea, your zone of genius, and your expertise to turn it into a media hook that will get news producers and talk show producers' attention as well.

Follow Marianne Schwarb

Website: https://www.marianneschwab.com/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marianne-schwab

Twitter: https://twitter.com/travelproducer?lang=en

10 min