31 min

116 Manifesting with Seonad Cook Making Money Online with Lisa Johnson

    • Marketing

My guest today is Coach and Author Seonad Cook, who specialises in practical mindset and manifestation for business owners.
I’m not the biggest believer in manifesting but I do believe in visualisation and getting clear on what you want, so I was interested to have this conversation with Seonad and learn how manifesting could help entrepreneurs reach their goals.
What You’ll Learn In This Episode; 
- Manifesting is not simply wishing and hoping, Seonad explains how to align with what you want to start attracting it to you.
- Why Seonad decided against retirement in favour of launching a new business, and the passion she has for helping others overcome their limiting beliefs to reach their full potential. 

- What are the different laws of attraction, how to start putting what we want out there and the role our subconscious plays in manifestation.  

- How to discover patterns in what makes you happy so you can start prioritising those things and some of the positive outcomes Seonad has had from manifesting. 

- Download my FREE Launch Strategy Guide

- Visit my website www.lisajohnson.com
- Follow me on Instagram @lisajohnsonstrategist

- Follow me on Facebook @lisajohnsonstrategist
- Join the discussion at @thefabulous5percent

- Subscribe to my YouTube channel 
- Find all of Seonad’s services at www.followtheformula.co.uk

My guest today is Coach and Author Seonad Cook, who specialises in practical mindset and manifestation for business owners.
I’m not the biggest believer in manifesting but I do believe in visualisation and getting clear on what you want, so I was interested to have this conversation with Seonad and learn how manifesting could help entrepreneurs reach their goals.
What You’ll Learn In This Episode; 
- Manifesting is not simply wishing and hoping, Seonad explains how to align with what you want to start attracting it to you.
- Why Seonad decided against retirement in favour of launching a new business, and the passion she has for helping others overcome their limiting beliefs to reach their full potential. 

- What are the different laws of attraction, how to start putting what we want out there and the role our subconscious plays in manifestation.  

- How to discover patterns in what makes you happy so you can start prioritising those things and some of the positive outcomes Seonad has had from manifesting. 

- Download my FREE Launch Strategy Guide

- Visit my website www.lisajohnson.com
- Follow me on Instagram @lisajohnsonstrategist

- Follow me on Facebook @lisajohnsonstrategist
- Join the discussion at @thefabulous5percent

- Subscribe to my YouTube channel 
- Find all of Seonad’s services at www.followtheformula.co.uk

31 min