173 episodes

Monthly Music Challenge with Cosmic Bos is where songwriters and musicians come to take part in a challenge, a music making one, in which you have 1 month to make a song or piece of music around a theme, then submit it to us and we will play it on the podcast.

This is the second year of this challenge, and if you can stick with it for the whole year as a musician you will have an album by the end of it.

Come and join the most creative, expressive and inclusive musical community on the internet.

Cosmic Bos are Nick and Andy Jackson. Brothers from Brighton, UK. They make music, lots and lots of it. It is found here in this very podcast.

Brief History of the Podcast :
Season 1 (2019) - Improv-Revisation
9 Full Episodes/Albums of music that was derived from improv sessions that were edited/revised. Plus 20 music videos.
Season 2 (2020) - Improv-Revisation 2
7 Full Ep/Albums of improv-revisation, other 1st year of lockdown stuff, and 19 music videos.
Season 3 (2021) - Improvisation
1 final Improv-revisation and 4 full Improvisation albums with Joe Philogene, and 40 music videos
Season 4 (2022) - Improv Squared and Making of an Album
1 full Improv Squared album and the Making of an Album special, with an EP and a live album too.
Season 5 (2023) - Monthly Music Challenge with Cosmic Bos

It's a pretty epic musical adventure we are on, come join us, and get involved.
Please like, share and subscribe, and leave us a lovely comment

Monthly Music Challenge with Cosmic Bos Cosmic Bos: Nick and Andy Jackson

    • Music
    • 5.0 • 10 Ratings

Monthly Music Challenge with Cosmic Bos is where songwriters and musicians come to take part in a challenge, a music making one, in which you have 1 month to make a song or piece of music around a theme, then submit it to us and we will play it on the podcast.

This is the second year of this challenge, and if you can stick with it for the whole year as a musician you will have an album by the end of it.

Come and join the most creative, expressive and inclusive musical community on the internet.

Cosmic Bos are Nick and Andy Jackson. Brothers from Brighton, UK. They make music, lots and lots of it. It is found here in this very podcast.

Brief History of the Podcast :
Season 1 (2019) - Improv-Revisation
9 Full Episodes/Albums of music that was derived from improv sessions that were edited/revised. Plus 20 music videos.
Season 2 (2020) - Improv-Revisation 2
7 Full Ep/Albums of improv-revisation, other 1st year of lockdown stuff, and 19 music videos.
Season 3 (2021) - Improvisation
1 final Improv-revisation and 4 full Improvisation albums with Joe Philogene, and 40 music videos
Season 4 (2022) - Improv Squared and Making of an Album
1 full Improv Squared album and the Making of an Album special, with an EP and a live album too.
Season 5 (2023) - Monthly Music Challenge with Cosmic Bos

It's a pretty epic musical adventure we are on, come join us, and get involved.
Please like, share and subscribe, and leave us a lovely comment

    MMC 2.5 - Funk Drunk Love

    MMC 2.5 - Funk Drunk Love

    So, this episode was meant to be out back on the 1st of June, but Nick and Andy from Cosmic Bos went AWOL so it was left up to me, Big Mic! to pull it all together so that you wonderful listeners and musician subs could hear it.
    Oh, it's Big Mic by the way, I've had to step in and start running the MMC Challenger, I have enlisted David Battenberg Cake and the Sexy German to go and press the buttons (not RUB the buttons as SG seems prone to doing) so that this episode made it off of the interdimensional Rocket Submarine Train and into your podcast feed.

    This is Episode 2.5 - Funk Drunk Love, co-curated with the one and only Uncle Funkbeard (go follow the majestic Funkle on X, and check out the Only The Host YouTube Channel to see all of the funky goings on) and it features 14 of the funkiest, drunkiest and loveiest songs on the whole of the interweb, created by a handful of the greatest indie musicians working today.
    The opening song is by Cosmic Bos themselves, they managed to finish up their song before they dissapeared from the MMC Challenger, the song is called 'Drunk on Your Love' and can be purchased from bandcamp here https://cosmicbos.bandcamp.com/track/drunk-on-your-love-feel-that-funky-heart-beating please consider giving them some money, that might actually get them back from wherever it is that they have gone AWOL to.
    They also made a nice little video to go with it, which you can watch and comment on here - https://youtu.be/wQnXo4jZdOI?si=HgQRFXqoj42G7hEj 
    I, Big Mic, have done all that I can to try and keep the format the same as what the Bos boys would do, not sure why I bothered, I could have done whatever I like because I'm Big Mic! But for the sake of all you listeners and submitters I've tried to keep it as close to the same as possible.
    It wasn't easy, have you ever tried to control a Cake and a sexy German while running a human circus in an engine room with a load of Midgets in sexy costumes while having to put up with Professor Briiiiiiiiiiian Cox and a future version of yourself that controls the universe in the future? Didn't think so.
    Format the same as usual, so we had the Peoples Choice Award winners from the previous episode, 2.4 Animals, and there were 3 of them! So big shout out to Natalie Williams Calhoun (NWC), Tonal Drift (TD) and A Sea Warren (Al or Owl), you all won a People Choice Award for your excellent Animals based songs, really good they were.
    You can vote in the Peoples Choice Award for this episode right here on this link (Insert link here)
    As we aren't sure where Nick and Andy are, I, Big Mic, decided we would give you all a bit longer to complete the next challenge, so you have till the 30th August to get your 2.6 songs into the Bos boys. Send your mp3's and a little Bio and write up to cosmicbos@gmail.com to be included in the next episode. The theme is Plantlife, 2.6 - Plantlife. It's a bit like parklife by Bluh but more Plant based. So, yeah get on with it!
    Once again, big shout out to Uncle Funkbeard for all he did for this episode, utter legend! 
    Here is the list of songs that go with this episode, in my, Big Mic's Big Number Order, so you can't cheat and skip through to a particular song, you have to listen to the whole thing!
    1. Cosmic Bos - Drunk On Your Love (Feel That Funky Heart Beating) 2. Uncle Funkbeard - FOOL 3. A Sea Warren - Funk Drunk Love 4. Colin Pimlott - Funky Drunk Kind of Love 5. TruckDog & the Go People - Fulfill the Need 6. Andrew Hartshorn - Who Brings the Funk to Your Life 7. Taylor Lidstone - Barsnacks 8. John Serrano and James Slattery - Adrenaline Fire 9. Mario Marino - Plumage 10. Voltage Poetry Project - When the Wine Pours 11. Black Water Canyon - Whiskey Swamp 12. Chemical Shift - Awaken 13. Notehead - Funky Butt Loving 14. Hellwaddler - PFunky There you go, hopefully it's as good as the show normally is, we did our best without the Bos chaps, please go vote in the Peoples Choice Award, and if you are a musician that wants to s

    • 2 hrs 19 min
    MMC 2.4 - Animals

    MMC 2.4 - Animals

    Hello dear friend, welcome to the Monthly Music Challenge podcast with your hosts Cosmic Bos.
    This episode is MMC 2.4 - Animals
    For the fourth theme of the second year of the monthly music challenge, it felt only natural to come back down from Space (MMC 2.3 - Intergalactic) and go and spend some time with nature, chat to the birds for a bit, play 'fetch the random throwable object' with a dog, listen to the conforting ASMR sounds of a cat purring on your lap, and have the soothing tones of David Battenberg cake share the majestic wonders of the animal kingdom with you. So here it is, the MMC Challenger (our Rocket, Submarine, Train that crosses the creative multiverse) has collected up all the animals it could find for inspiration for the musical wonder that is the Monthly Music Challenge.
    Your hosts are Nick and Andy Jackson, brothers from the UK that form up the musical outfit known as Cosmic Bos (one S on Bos - we are economical with our 'S's), and they are here to take you on the musical safari that awaits your baited earholes. Join David Battenberg cake, Big Mic, the Sexy German, Sir Patrick McKellen, Proffessor Briiiiiiiiiian Cox, Little Nick and a whole bunch of other new characters/impressions suggested by the wonderful musicians of the MMC.
    David Battenberg cake and his singing cake friends (Taylor Swiss roll, Breddie Mercury, David Bowieberg, Elvis Pretzel, FABBA, Cake Bush, Elton Scone, Dave Grohlberg, Fleetwood Macaroon, Morrisseed, Florence Welsh cake (and the Vending Machine), Radiobread, Robert Swiss, Damon Albran muffin, John Lemon Meringne, Paul McCakeney, Ringdough Starr, George Harriscone, Eclairic Clapton, Michael FlapJackson and introducing Cannoli Minogue) are joined this month by the menagerie of fruit and veg animals, including Labranoodle, Brocacollie, Springaspaniel, Orangatangerine, Tomato Cats, BananaLlama, Figlet, Fruit Bats, Pearakeets and the PineOwlpple. The world of David Battenberg Cake just got a little brighter with all the majestic animals joining. Come join all the fun on TikTok.
    You can purchase Cosmic Bos's Animals song 'The Animal In Me Sees The Humanity In You' from bandcamp here https://cosmicbos.bandcamp.com/track/the-animal-in-me-sees-the-humanity-in-you
    Cosmic Bos will be donating a portion of profits to support Animal Charities, so please suggest to us which charities we should donate to.
    Cosmic Bos also made a video to go along with the song, please visit our YouTube for more Cosmic Bos Official Music Video
    also there you can find this episode to vote in the peoples choice award and leave comments, we love comments, please leave lots of comments. Speaking of the Peoples Choice award, SPOILET ALERT! The joint winners of the PCA for MMC 2.3 Intergalactic are... Colin Pimlott 'Intergalactic Void' and John Serrano, Only the Host and Tracy Cloud 'Are You Here'. Congratulations! Both truly majestic songs.
    So let's move onto the business of the next theme, which we are proud to announce is being cocurated by Uncle Funkbeard, the undisputed Golden God of the Funkiverse. The theme for Monthly Music Challenge MMC 2.5 is Funk Drunk Love
    that is MMC 2.5 - Funk Drunk Love
    Please get them funky drunky lovey tunes into the podcast by the 31st May 2024. Email your mp3 with a write up about the song and a bio (if it's your first trip aboard the MMC Challenge) to cosmicbos@gmail.com by the 31st May. Huge Thanks to Uncle Funkbeard for bringing us the Funk we need for the MMC's genre theme of the year.
    Here is the full tracklist for the episode, not in the order they appear in the episode, but in the order they are presented in the legendary game 'Big Mic's Big Numbers' hosted by Big Mic.
    1. Cosmic Bos - The Animal In Me Sees The Humanity In You 2. Hellwaddler - Animetal 3. Notehead - Researching Spiders 4. John Serrano - King Frog 5. Chemical Shift - Asteroids 6. Natalie Williams Calhoun - A Day In The Life 7. Mobidextrous - Elemental Bird 8. TruckDog - Taken by Animals 9. Mario

    • 3 hrs 30 min
    MMC 2.3 - Intergalactic EXTRA

    MMC 2.3 - Intergalactic EXTRA

    Welcome to the Extra part of the Monthly Music Challenge 2.3 Intergalactic episode.
    Join Andy and Nick (Cosmic Bos) as they make ammends for a rather massive faux par on their part, missing off a song from the list.
    So firstly, a huge Sorry to Taylor Lidstone, Peoples Choice Award Winning artist and utter legend, Taylor, your Intergalactic song is amazeballs! We didn't miss it off of the list because it didn't fit the theme, we missed it off because Big Mic has been moving all the emails about from 6 years in the future. Why he was ever given time manipulation powers will never make sense.
    Please enjoy this extra add on part of Monthly Music Challenge 2.3 Intergalactic episode, containing the amazing Taylor Lidstone song 'Don't Go Without Me', as well as the Late Sub song 'Interstella' by Smokin' Cola, and a respin of Cosmic Bos Space Babies 2 (Intergalactic Super Fantastic Imagination Tactic)
    Extra Episode tracklist:
    1. Taylor Lidstone - Don't Go Without Me 2. Smokin' Cola - Interstella 3. Cosmic Bos - Space Babies 2 Vote for your favourite Intergalactic track in the peoples choice poll here Peoples Choice Poll MMC 2.3 Intergalactic
    Please like share and subscribe
    We loves you
    Cosmic Bos
    P.S - The theme for MMC 2.4 is Animals, and you have until the 3rd May 2024 to get your songs into us for inclusion, or maybe we will miss it and have to do another extra podcast next month, who knows? Big Mic does but he isn't saying.

    • 43 min
    MMC 2.3 - Intergalactic

    MMC 2.3 - Intergalactic

    Welcome fellow Space Babies, to the Monthly Music Challenge podcast with your hosts Cosmic Bos.

    This episode is MMC 2.3 - Intergalactic.
    The third theme for 2024, was Intergalactic, and fellow humans, you are in for an out of this world experience right here on this very podcast, that's right, we are space bound, with the help of 19 other majestic musical wonders from around the globe, we will explore the sonic intergalactic highways and hear things we can only have dreamed of imagining, let's not waste any more time and climb aboard the MMC Challenger, the rocket/submarine/train that Cosmic Bos pilot (kind of) around the creative cosmic multiverse and get all space musicified.
    Your hosts are Cosmic Bos, Nick and Andy Jackson, brothers from the UK that make creative and quirky music, as well the home of David Battenberg cake, Big Mic, Sexy German man, Taylor Swiss Roll, Bread Sheeran, David Bowieberg, Dave Grohlberg (from the Food Fighters), Breddie Mercury, Elvis Pretzel, Fleetwood Macaroon, Cake Bush, Elton Scone, Paul McCakeney and many more.
    Cosmic Bos open the podcast in the traditional way, with their own submission to the theme, for Intergalactic, Cosmic Bos made Space Babies 2 (Intergalactic Super Fantastic Imagination Tactic) which you can purchase from Bandcamp here
    Space Babies 2 on Bandcamp
    There is also a video to go along with it, as is also tradition. Found here on this handy YouTube link right here Space Babies 2 by Cosmic Bos on YouTube
    Okay, with the self promotion out of the way, let's move on to the theme for MMC 2.4 which is : Animals. You have until the 3rd of May to create your piece of music around the theme of Animals, what you do with it is up to you, enjoy!
    Let's get Intergalactic with the tracks for this episode: 
    (Please Note: the songs are presented in the order of the game Big Mic's Big Numbers, NOT in the order that they are played in the show)
    1. Cosmic Bos - Space Babies 2 (Intergalactic Super Fantastic Imagination Tactic) 2. Gee-Wiz and the Space Pirates - Get Down Low 3. Colin Pimlott - Intergalactic Void 4. The Pixie Post - The Epiphany 5. Broken Nomads - Nevermore 6. Panmet - Meteor Shower 7. A Sea Warren - Intergalactic 8. Uncle Funkbeard - Rendevous with Destiny (remix) 9. Mario Marino - H Disco 1 10. Mario Marino, John Serrano, Tracy Cloud and Only the Host - All We Are Disappears 11. Trench Gun - Otherworldly 12. Tonal Drift - Scale 13. Andrew Hartshorn - Intergalactic Overture 14. Mobidextrous - The Third Helping 15. Chris Boddington - Contact 16. Notehead - Starlust 17. Sonic Squirrel - This is NOT Asteroid M 18. John Serrano, Only the Host and Tracy Cloud - Are You Home 19. TexMex Shaman and Tea R C - Expansive Expedition 20. Hellwaddler - Penguins Floating Through Space Thank you so much for coming on this musical adventure with us, we really do appreciate it, please subscribe to all our socials and share the podcast far and wide, it's free indie music for all to enjoy, and a bit of nonsense banter for some to enjoy. Please support all the amazing musicians that take part, most of them have bandcamp pages where you can support them directly by purchasing their work.
    The poll to vote in the peoples choice award will be on the youtube video and discord, please go vote for your fave.
    So finally, Coming Next Month (on the 5th May) will be Monthly Music Challenge MMC 2.4 - Animals
    The theme is : Animals
    Submission close date for MM 2.4 is the 3rd May 2024.
    Email mp3 and blurb to cosmicbos@gmail.com 
    Peace and infinite space dreams
    Cosmic Bos

    • 3 hrs 52 min
    MMC 2.2 - Happiness

    MMC 2.2 - Happiness

    Hello there! How are you?
    Welcome to the Monthly Music Challenge podcast with your hosts, Cosmic Bos.
    Here, I, David Battenberg cake, would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to this extra special episode of the Monthly Music Challenge podcast, all about me, David Battenberg cake, or, more specifically, Happiness, which I, David Battenberg cake, embody.
    For the second theme of the second year of the MMC, Cosmic Bos chose Happiness, and what a majestic choice that was, it has led to 29 of the finest songs, musical vegan nuggets of delight, that a human or a cake could ever hope to encounter, all wrapped up neatly in this almost 5 hour podcast.
    So without further ado, I, David Battenberg cake, introduce Andy and Nick Jackson, of Cosmic Bos, the hosts of this podcast.
    Thank you for that introuduction David, very kind. So, as David said, we have a wealth of awesome music for you in this episode, 28 submissions from the most talented indie musicians working in the world today. As we had so many submissions we went for another round of Big Mic's Big Numbers to help us (or hinder) picking an order for all this saucy awesomeness.
    You can buy our single on bandcamp here, please consider it, we are donating a portion of profits to Mental Health Charities, it is very dear to David's heart and he wants to support where he can.
    We also made a video to go with the song, which you can find on YouTube here
    Happiness is a Battenberg Named David Official Video
    Here is the full tracklist of amazing songs in the episode, they are numbered how they were for Big Mic's Big Numbers and not in the order they are played. Except for track 1, that was us.
    1. Cosmic Bos - Happiness is a Battenberg Named David 2. Truck Dog and the Go People - Manaomua (LATE SUB for First Impressions) 3. Andrew Hartshorn - Happiness, You Can Make it Happen 4. Chemical Shift - Utopia 5. A Sea Warren - Happiness 6. Mobidextrous - Bliss 7. Uncle Funkbeard - Lucky Break 8. Colin Pimlott - Happiness is Mine 9. Above the Snow Line - Happiness 10. Taylor Lidstone - My Sweet Paradise 11. Tracy Cloud - Let it Shine 12. Mario Marino, John Serrano and Only the Host - Born in the Stars 13. Nakedverse and Pixie Post - Pixieverse Dimension 14. Starve the Little Devil - I'm Happy 15. John Serrano and Black Creek Rock - I Talk to the Wind 16. TexMex Shaman - Happy Ending 17. Age of Infernal - Happy 18. Sonic Squirrel - Dancing on Fragile Sunshine 19. Smokin' Cola - Happy Hatchet 20. Mr. Woody - Happiness 21. Milly Stale - Buy Happiness 22. TruckDog and the Go People - Chasing Shadows Away 23. Marklyn Retzer - Tutu 24. Notehead - So Happy 25. Natalie Williams Calhoun - Happiness 26. Hellwaddler - A Show of Happiness 27. Gee-Whiz - Happiness 28. Gee-Whiz ft. Conspiracy Corner - Show me the Meaning of Happiness 29. Penelope's Thrill - Clockwork Clouds There you have it, what a list of talent! Cosmic Bos are truly humbled by all of the awesome on display in this episode. Please go and vote in the peoples choice poll on discord, X and there will be a link on youtube etc. Vote for your favourites please. And leave us comments on YouTube, on the podcast episode there. Artists featured, can you please post links to where people can buy your songs in the comments on YouTube, so we can all go support you all.
    The People Choice Award for MMC 2.1 First Impressions went to (drumroll.......) Above the Snow Line, Tracy Cloud and John Serrano for their song First Impressions, thank you for all that voted, and you clearly have good taste picking this tasty track.
    Without further ado, the theme for MMC 2.3 will be Intergalactic
    You have until the 5th April to get your Intergalactic songs to Cosmic Bos. Please send an mp3 and a write up about your song to cosmicbos@gmail.com and if you are a first time submitter please include a Bio, tell us about yourself.
    We will still accept songs around both the 'F

    • 4 hrs 50 min
    MMC 2.1 - First Impressions

    MMC 2.1 - First Impressions

    Welcome friends and lovers to the Monthly Music Challenge podcast with your hosts, Cosmic Bos.
    This is the first proper episode of the second season of the Monthly Music Challenge, and it has grown somewhat since last year. 30 songs for you! that's right, 30 songs made around the theme of 'First Impressions', and SPOILER ALERT! They are crispy amazeballs, absolutely all of them.
    Andy and Nick, Jackson, the brothers Cosmic, Bos, one S, are here to guide you through the delightful frist impressions from the most exciting up and coming musicians and artists that are creating in the world today, forget your Taylor Swifts, it's all about Taylor Lidstone here, and move aside Andrew Lloyd Weber, we got Andrew Hartshorn on the MMC Challenge (our Rocket, Submarine, Train hybrid that traverses the musical multiverse).
    So come on a magical musical journey, with special guests David Battenberg Cake and Big Mic, as Cosmic Bos delve into the musical world of First Impressions.
    Full tracklist, not in order, in fact it's the order of Big Mic's Big Numbers! The new game that Andy and Nick came up with to help them pick an order.
    1. Cosmic Bos - You Only Get One Chance to Make a First Impression 2. TexMex Shaman - Firstly, I'm Impressed 3. John Serrano and Ores Minon - Rules to Break 4. Sonic Squirrel - Greetings from Planet Squirrel 5. Voltage Poetry Project - The First Funicular of the Day 6. NakelTBG - Peak Cinema 7. Smokin' Cola - Good First Impression 8. Gee-Whiz - First Impressions 9. Only the Host and John Serrano - It's Dangerous to go it Alone 10. Mr. Woody - Warning Sign 11. - 14. Mobidextrous - First Impressions EP 15. Aye Nevo - The Gift 16. Uncle Funkbeard - Thirst Impressions 17. Chemical Shift - Mariposas 18. Taylor Lidstone - I Bet You Skip Forward 19. Mario Marino - Loading Screen 20. Mike Allen - I Digress 21. Pixie Post - The Beginning 22. Andrew Hartshorn - First Impressions 23. Starve the Little Devil - Come Around 24. Trench Gun - When I First Saw You 25. A Sea Warren - First Impressions 26. Colin Pimlott - 8 out of 10 won't do 27. Notehead - Phosphenes 28. Above the Snow Line, Tracy Cloud and John Serrano - First Impression 29. Hellwaddler - Post Apocalyptic Impressions 30. Natalie Williams Calhoun - First Impressions Please go and vote for your favourite songs in the comments here on the podcast, or on youtube (prefferably), we will tally up the results and issue a 'Peoples Choice Award' next month to the song with the most love. Feel free to mention multiple.
    Thank you for being here, we truly appreciate you, please give the podcast a like and subscribe, and comments are just wonderful.
    The next theme for the MMC is 2.2 - Happiness, get your happy (or miserable) caps on and get musicianing oh dearest musicians of the indie music world. Closing date or submissions is the 1st March 2024.
    Email an mp3 (and a bio if you are new) to cosmicbos@gmail.com 
    You can still submit songs for 'First Impressions' and we might play them in our 'Late Subs' section.
    Next Episode coming 3rd March - MMC 2.2 - Happiness
    Peace and infinite love
    Cosmic Bos

    • 4 hrs 26 min

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5
10 Ratings

10 Ratings

Phil Coyne ,

Amazing show by amazing artists

Just recently discovered this from Twitter, and have to say it's great! Kudos to Nick and Andy, keep doing what you're doing.

EightiesMatey ,

Talented Musicians, Great Podcast

Love these guys, talented musicians, podcasts are a mixture of chat and their music. It’s delivered in a personal chatty style (being brothers helps the banter) the songs have some great hooks with the lyrics very often underlining some important social & environmental messages but delivered without “preaching”. 5 stars all the way.

I.am.gecko ,

This is fire!

Been listening to these guys for a while now. Always a great podcast, really fun and great music. Well worth a listen!

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