12 min

PLP-135 The Fifth cure to a Lean Account Balance The Private Lender Podcast

    • Investing

Hello Private Lender Nation!!!!
If you’re looking for practical tips and advice on how to put the power of the banking system into your investment accounts, then you are in the right place.
But do you want to learn from my mistakes so you can both avoid and profit from them? Well then pull up a chair and pour yourself a drink, my friend. Because this podcast is just for you, as I am dedicated to giving people just like you and me the knowledge and confidence for successful and profitable Private Lending.
In today’s episode, we will continue with our monthly lesson from the book by George Clason's the Richest Man in Babylon. Today’s lesson is the 5th cure for a small account balance, which is simply: Make your house a profitable investment, or in other words, own your own home. but before we get to the heart of the matter, first I need to do a little housekeeping.
1 - Have you joined the Private Lender Podcast Facebook group? Well why not? Head over to the show notes for the link or simply search Facebook groups for the Private Lender Podcast.
Private Lender Podcast Facebook Group
2 – And most important of all, the Private Lender Academy still needs some work before I introduce her to the world and therefore I’m departing from the original plan in hopes of getting the course to life. However, on August 17th at 7:30pm CST, I am holding a webinar/Facebook Live where I will begin to teach the principles of the academy. The purpose of the webinar is to get 10 committed people to opt-in to group coaching where I teach you everything I know about originating private loans.
As a result of participating in the group coaching, you will help me refine the PLA and receive a free copy of the course once it is complete. I am looking for 10 students to form this focus group that will help refine the course over a 4-week period beginning in late August.
So head over the www.PrivateLenderAcademy.com and click on Apply Now
Apply – Private Lender Academy
OK, the housekeeping is finished and now it’s time to get down to the brass tacks of today’s episode: the 5th cure for a lean account. And like so many lessons in life that we should heed, the principle is quite simple, but sometimes we humans seem to have trouble with the execution.
Let’s get down to the brass tacks and listen to what Arkad tells his students:
Make your house a profitable investment. A. K. A. - Own your Home
"If a man sets aside none parts of his earnings upon which to live and enjoy life, and if any part of his nine parts can be turned into a profitable investment without detriment to his well-being, then so much fast will his treasures grow." So spoke Arkad to his class at their fifth lesson.
 "All too many of our men of Babylon do raise their families in unseemly quarters. They do pay to exacting landlords and liberal rents for rooms where their wives have not a spot to raise the blooms that gladden a woman's heart and their children have no place to play their games except in unclean alleys.
"No man's family can fully enjoy life unless they do have a plot of ground wherein children can play in the clean earth and where the wife may raise not only blossoms but good rich herbs to feed her family. 
"To a man's heart, it brings gladness to eat the figs from his own trees and the grapes of his own vines. To own your own home and to have it a place he is proud to care for, puts confidence in his heart and greater effort behind all his endeavors. Therefore,

Hello Private Lender Nation!!!!
If you’re looking for practical tips and advice on how to put the power of the banking system into your investment accounts, then you are in the right place.
But do you want to learn from my mistakes so you can both avoid and profit from them? Well then pull up a chair and pour yourself a drink, my friend. Because this podcast is just for you, as I am dedicated to giving people just like you and me the knowledge and confidence for successful and profitable Private Lending.
In today’s episode, we will continue with our monthly lesson from the book by George Clason's the Richest Man in Babylon. Today’s lesson is the 5th cure for a small account balance, which is simply: Make your house a profitable investment, or in other words, own your own home. but before we get to the heart of the matter, first I need to do a little housekeeping.
1 - Have you joined the Private Lender Podcast Facebook group? Well why not? Head over to the show notes for the link or simply search Facebook groups for the Private Lender Podcast.
Private Lender Podcast Facebook Group
2 – And most important of all, the Private Lender Academy still needs some work before I introduce her to the world and therefore I’m departing from the original plan in hopes of getting the course to life. However, on August 17th at 7:30pm CST, I am holding a webinar/Facebook Live where I will begin to teach the principles of the academy. The purpose of the webinar is to get 10 committed people to opt-in to group coaching where I teach you everything I know about originating private loans.
As a result of participating in the group coaching, you will help me refine the PLA and receive a free copy of the course once it is complete. I am looking for 10 students to form this focus group that will help refine the course over a 4-week period beginning in late August.
So head over the www.PrivateLenderAcademy.com and click on Apply Now
Apply – Private Lender Academy
OK, the housekeeping is finished and now it’s time to get down to the brass tacks of today’s episode: the 5th cure for a lean account. And like so many lessons in life that we should heed, the principle is quite simple, but sometimes we humans seem to have trouble with the execution.
Let’s get down to the brass tacks and listen to what Arkad tells his students:
Make your house a profitable investment. A. K. A. - Own your Home
"If a man sets aside none parts of his earnings upon which to live and enjoy life, and if any part of his nine parts can be turned into a profitable investment without detriment to his well-being, then so much fast will his treasures grow." So spoke Arkad to his class at their fifth lesson.
 "All too many of our men of Babylon do raise their families in unseemly quarters. They do pay to exacting landlords and liberal rents for rooms where their wives have not a spot to raise the blooms that gladden a woman's heart and their children have no place to play their games except in unclean alleys.
"No man's family can fully enjoy life unless they do have a plot of ground wherein children can play in the clean earth and where the wife may raise not only blossoms but good rich herbs to feed her family. 
"To a man's heart, it brings gladness to eat the figs from his own trees and the grapes of his own vines. To own your own home and to have it a place he is proud to care for, puts confidence in his heart and greater effort behind all his endeavors. Therefore,

12 min