34 min

Richard de Lisle (De Lisle Partners) - The Greatest Game Far From The Finishing Post

    • Investing

Richard de Lisle, founder of De Lisle Partners, has significantly outperformed US equity markets over the last 27 years by investing in US small-cap value stocks. We discuss what value investing means to Richard, his focus on themes and the advantages of taking a sociological perspective. We also explore the current environment, Richard’s investments in primary producers and why investing is the greatest game.Show notes:[1:05] Richard talks about how his father’s misfortune inspir...

Richard de Lisle, founder of De Lisle Partners, has significantly outperformed US equity markets over the last 27 years by investing in US small-cap value stocks. We discuss what value investing means to Richard, his focus on themes and the advantages of taking a sociological perspective. We also explore the current environment, Richard’s investments in primary producers and why investing is the greatest game.Show notes:[1:05] Richard talks about how his father’s misfortune inspir...

34 min