34 min

Royal privilege of the best kind. How Prince Harry created a life-changing concert with Liz Young, Hampton Court Palace Gatecrasher

    • Marketing

Hosting an event at Hampton Court Palace means your guest are literally walking in the footsteps of Kings and Queens, enjoying once in a lifetime experiences.

So no wonder Prince Harry chose it as the venue for his Sentebale Charity Concert; an event that required planning to an inch of its life and even then, tested the team to be flexible and find workarounds.

"At the last minute Prince Harry’s schedule moved. We suddenly had to change ALL the timings."

But what's it like working at such an extraordinary space? To find out what’s involved in pulling off prestigious VIP events I speak to Liz Young, Head of Events and Commercial Services at the Historic Royal Palaces. She chats about:

· The pleasures (and perils) of planning parties in palaces

· How trusting your team is key to staying calm

· Why VIPs and social media can enhance your event

· Working with Princes and paparazzi

And it’s not all historic palaces and royalty. Liz also talks about the time at a previous job when she welcomed Bon Jovi as the first band to perform on the O2 Arena rooftop. Click to see Liz rocking out

Follow events at Historic Royal Palaces @hrp_events

Follow Anna at @evolveevents

This podcast is produced by Suzi at @story_publishing.

Hosting an event at Hampton Court Palace means your guest are literally walking in the footsteps of Kings and Queens, enjoying once in a lifetime experiences.

So no wonder Prince Harry chose it as the venue for his Sentebale Charity Concert; an event that required planning to an inch of its life and even then, tested the team to be flexible and find workarounds.

"At the last minute Prince Harry’s schedule moved. We suddenly had to change ALL the timings."

But what's it like working at such an extraordinary space? To find out what’s involved in pulling off prestigious VIP events I speak to Liz Young, Head of Events and Commercial Services at the Historic Royal Palaces. She chats about:

· The pleasures (and perils) of planning parties in palaces

· How trusting your team is key to staying calm

· Why VIPs and social media can enhance your event

· Working with Princes and paparazzi

And it’s not all historic palaces and royalty. Liz also talks about the time at a previous job when she welcomed Bon Jovi as the first band to perform on the O2 Arena rooftop. Click to see Liz rocking out

Follow events at Historic Royal Palaces @hrp_events

Follow Anna at @evolveevents

This podcast is produced by Suzi at @story_publishing.

34 min