36 min

S5E9: Is the High Value Woman a Unicorn‪?‬ Date Smarter. Sexier.

    • Relationships


In this conversation, Andrea discusses the concept of the high value woman and addresses the debates and pushback she has received. She explores the definition of a unicorn and questions whether the high value woman can be considered a unicorn. Andrea then outlines the seven elements that make up a high value woman, including independence, the willingness to walk away, and self-awareness. She emphasizes that high value is subjective and encourages individuals to define their own value. Andrea also discusses traits that may not align with high value and the importance of self-reflection.


High value is a subjective concept and can be defined differently by individuals.

The high value woman is not a unicorn, but rather someone who possesses qualities such as independence, self-awareness, and the willingness to walk away.

Low value traits include lack of self-respect, over-dependency, dishonesty, manipulation, and unwillingness to communicate or compromise.

It is important to define value for oneself and focus on personal growth and self-improvement.

Get the Girl: Dating the High Value Woman: https://a.co/d/9xqamWm

Defining the HVW

Wrote the book on it! My list are possibilities, there is no hard and fast rule

This is how I define HV but someone else can define it differently, that’s the beauty of having choice and being able to think for ourselves 

If he isn’t college educated does that mean he’s not high value? 

Experts in the dating world are defining HVW by their status

Defining the Unicorn

something unusual, rare, or unique.

A person who is very attractive AND has a fabulous personality 

YouTube video that went viral about the what a unicorn is 

Does that mean anyone else is of low value?

Define a low value, it’s subjective 

Does a woman who lacks self esteem and likes to pick fights a HVW?

Lack of Self-Respect: This can manifest in many ways, like constantly putting oneself down, tolerating disrespectful behavior from others, or not standing up for one's own needs and boundaries. Gym pics or half naked selfies 

Over-Dependence: While interdependence is healthy in a relationship, over-dependence, either emotionally or financially, without the effort to contribute or improve oneself, can be viewed negatively.

Dishonesty and Manipulation: Consistently being dishonest, playing mind games, or manipulating others for personal gain can definitely be seen as "low value" traits.

Lack of Ambition or Drive: Having no personal goals, ambitions, or the desire to grow can be a turn-off for many. This isn't about financial success per se, but more about having a passion and zest for life.

Unwillingness to Communicate or Compromise: Relationships are a two-way street. An inability or unwillingness to communicate effectively, listen to a partner’s needs, or compromise can hinder the growth of a healthy relationship.

Chronic Negativity: Constant pessimism, complaining, or seeing the worst in every situation can be draining and unattractive to potential partners.

Irresponsibility: This could be in terms of finances, career, personal health, or other obligations. Consistently shirking responsibilities can be a sign of immaturity and unreliability.

Hostility or Abusive Behavior: Engaging in verbal, emotional, or physical abuse is not only a "low value" trait but is entirely unacceptable in any relationship.

Lack of Empathy: Being unable or unwilling to understand or share the feelings of others can be a major red flag in relationships.

Superficiality and Materialism: Focusing solely on surface-level attributes such as looks, money, or social status, while neglecting deeper values and connections.

Who decides what to value?

The idea of High Value has spiraled 

Why we label as HVW because men have been saying how they are attracted to strong independent women, which could be defined as HV



In this conversation, Andrea discusses the concept of the high value woman and addresses the debates and pushback she has received. She explores the definition of a unicorn and questions whether the high value woman can be considered a unicorn. Andrea then outlines the seven elements that make up a high value woman, including independence, the willingness to walk away, and self-awareness. She emphasizes that high value is subjective and encourages individuals to define their own value. Andrea also discusses traits that may not align with high value and the importance of self-reflection.


High value is a subjective concept and can be defined differently by individuals.

The high value woman is not a unicorn, but rather someone who possesses qualities such as independence, self-awareness, and the willingness to walk away.

Low value traits include lack of self-respect, over-dependency, dishonesty, manipulation, and unwillingness to communicate or compromise.

It is important to define value for oneself and focus on personal growth and self-improvement.

Get the Girl: Dating the High Value Woman: https://a.co/d/9xqamWm

Defining the HVW

Wrote the book on it! My list are possibilities, there is no hard and fast rule

This is how I define HV but someone else can define it differently, that’s the beauty of having choice and being able to think for ourselves 

If he isn’t college educated does that mean he’s not high value? 

Experts in the dating world are defining HVW by their status

Defining the Unicorn

something unusual, rare, or unique.

A person who is very attractive AND has a fabulous personality 

YouTube video that went viral about the what a unicorn is 

Does that mean anyone else is of low value?

Define a low value, it’s subjective 

Does a woman who lacks self esteem and likes to pick fights a HVW?

Lack of Self-Respect: This can manifest in many ways, like constantly putting oneself down, tolerating disrespectful behavior from others, or not standing up for one's own needs and boundaries. Gym pics or half naked selfies 

Over-Dependence: While interdependence is healthy in a relationship, over-dependence, either emotionally or financially, without the effort to contribute or improve oneself, can be viewed negatively.

Dishonesty and Manipulation: Consistently being dishonest, playing mind games, or manipulating others for personal gain can definitely be seen as "low value" traits.

Lack of Ambition or Drive: Having no personal goals, ambitions, or the desire to grow can be a turn-off for many. This isn't about financial success per se, but more about having a passion and zest for life.

Unwillingness to Communicate or Compromise: Relationships are a two-way street. An inability or unwillingness to communicate effectively, listen to a partner’s needs, or compromise can hinder the growth of a healthy relationship.

Chronic Negativity: Constant pessimism, complaining, or seeing the worst in every situation can be draining and unattractive to potential partners.

Irresponsibility: This could be in terms of finances, career, personal health, or other obligations. Consistently shirking responsibilities can be a sign of immaturity and unreliability.

Hostility or Abusive Behavior: Engaging in verbal, emotional, or physical abuse is not only a "low value" trait but is entirely unacceptable in any relationship.

Lack of Empathy: Being unable or unwilling to understand or share the feelings of others can be a major red flag in relationships.

Superficiality and Materialism: Focusing solely on surface-level attributes such as looks, money, or social status, while neglecting deeper values and connections.

Who decides what to value?

The idea of High Value has spiraled 

Why we label as HVW because men have been saying how they are attracted to strong independent women, which could be defined as HV


36 min