31 min

Sales Enablement Innovation | Christi Wall, Chainalysis Sales Enablement Innovation

    • Marketing

Is the enablement function shifting to encompass every team member who steps into the buyer cycle?
Christi Wall, Revenue Director at Chainalysis, certainly thinks so. Another big change, now we're online-only, means a greater focus on developing intangible interpersonal skills like empathy, building trust, active listening, and how to read a virtual room.
In this episode, Christi also navigates us through her career trajectory, sharing how she’s flipped her opportunities during the pandemic, as well as giving us her take on making training fun (hint: it involves a lobster costume).

Is the enablement function shifting to encompass every team member who steps into the buyer cycle?
Christi Wall, Revenue Director at Chainalysis, certainly thinks so. Another big change, now we're online-only, means a greater focus on developing intangible interpersonal skills like empathy, building trust, active listening, and how to read a virtual room.
In this episode, Christi also navigates us through her career trajectory, sharing how she’s flipped her opportunities during the pandemic, as well as giving us her take on making training fun (hint: it involves a lobster costume).

31 min