100 episodes

Welcome to the Mind Caddie podcast with Karl Morris. The ultimate podcast for golf enthusiasts seeking to enhance their mental game and take their golf performance to new heights. Hosted by Europe's leading performance coach to PGA Tour players, Karl Morris, along with special guests, this show is your gateway to unlocking the hidden potential within you on the golf course.

Download the Mind Caddie app, to start improving your mental game.
Available from the iOS and Android app stores: https://mindcaddie.onelink.me/7xjx/znldwgbi

In each episode, we delve into the intricacies of golf psychology, offering valuable insights, expert interviews, and practical tips to help you conquer those mental obstacles that often stand between you and your best golf game. Whether you're a beginner looking to gain a mental edge or a seasoned pro aiming for peak performance, our podcast is your go-to resource.

Discover how to silence the inner critic, conquer first tee jitters, stay focused under pressure, and maintain a winning mindset throughout your round. Our episodes cover a wide range of topics, from pre-round routines and visualization techniques to mindfulness exercises and strategies for handling setbacks.

Join us as we explore the minds of golf's greatest champions, share success stories from everyday players, and provide actionable advice that can transform your golf experience. Subscribe now to The Brain Booster and start your journey towards becoming a mentally resilient golfer. Get ready to tee off with confidence and watch your game soar to new heights.

Mind Caddie - Improve Your Mental Golf Game Karl Morris

    • Sport
    • 4.8 • 145 Ratings

Welcome to the Mind Caddie podcast with Karl Morris. The ultimate podcast for golf enthusiasts seeking to enhance their mental game and take their golf performance to new heights. Hosted by Europe's leading performance coach to PGA Tour players, Karl Morris, along with special guests, this show is your gateway to unlocking the hidden potential within you on the golf course.

Download the Mind Caddie app, to start improving your mental game.
Available from the iOS and Android app stores: https://mindcaddie.onelink.me/7xjx/znldwgbi

In each episode, we delve into the intricacies of golf psychology, offering valuable insights, expert interviews, and practical tips to help you conquer those mental obstacles that often stand between you and your best golf game. Whether you're a beginner looking to gain a mental edge or a seasoned pro aiming for peak performance, our podcast is your go-to resource.

Discover how to silence the inner critic, conquer first tee jitters, stay focused under pressure, and maintain a winning mindset throughout your round. Our episodes cover a wide range of topics, from pre-round routines and visualization techniques to mindfulness exercises and strategies for handling setbacks.

Join us as we explore the minds of golf's greatest champions, share success stories from everyday players, and provide actionable advice that can transform your golf experience. Subscribe now to The Brain Booster and start your journey towards becoming a mentally resilient golfer. Get ready to tee off with confidence and watch your game soar to new heights.

    COMMITMENT - Could this be the SECRET to holing PUTTS? – Dr Laura Carey and Caesar Bayliss #318

    COMMITMENT - Could this be the SECRET to holing PUTTS? – Dr Laura Carey and Caesar Bayliss #318

    Today on the podcast we are joined by Dr Laura Carey and Caesar Bayliss from Perception Sport
    Download Mind Caddie for hundreds of short audio lessons and exercises produced by Karl and start improving your mental game the same way as six major champions: https://mindcaddie.onelink.me/7xjx/znldwgbi 
    Laura has conducted some amazing research around putting over the past number of years in particular around gaze control and also brain activity prior to actually hitting the putt.
    What she has uncovered has the potential to transform the way putting is both learned and performed.
    Are you going to take ACTION and become a Certified Mind Factor coach?
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    The conversation will REALLY get you thinking about the way you approach your game on the greens.
    In our time together we looked at:
    The difference in brain activity just before the stroke is made between successful and unsuccessful putters. Why doubt over the ball is so detrimental to performance How this increases brain activity which then compromises your stroke Why a line on the ball may not be the most effective strategy Why practicing with putting aids and gadgets can be of limited value The role of the eyes in supplying information for your putt The value of ‘quiet eye’ Busy eyes make for a bust brain How to train to then perform Why you shouldn’t just keep hitting putt after putt when you are training  
    This is a really refreshing and far reaching conversation that could potentially apply to the whole of your game
    A lot of what Laura and Caesar had to say resonated with many of the ideas presented by Gary Nicol and myself in the Lost Art of Putting
    Caesar Bayliss has been a PGA professional for over 20 years and specializes in putting. He coaches at The Wisley and other venues across the UK  Dr Laura Carey is a Lecturer at the University of the West of Scotland and a HCPC-registered Practitioner Psychologist. She has worked as an applied sport psychologist for over 15 years, offering support to a range of athletes, coaches and teams. Laura’s PhD was in golf putting, titled "Investigating Perceptual-Cognitive Expertise, Visual Gaze, and Neural Activity in Golf Putting".
    The website: https://www.perceptionsport.co.uk/
    The Conversation: https://bit.ly/3SeWdA2
    Are you going to take ACTION and become a Certified Mind Factor coach?
    Join us for a wonderful three days in Manchester in November
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    • 1 hr 4 min
    Socrates would have been some golfer! – Nick Bradley #317

    Socrates would have been some golfer! – Nick Bradley #317

    How ‘Socratic’ questioning could help transform your game
    Today we have on the show internationally renowned coach Nick Bradley who has written a fantastic new book called ‘The 50 secrets to GREAT GOLF you don’t know about YET!’
    Download Mind Caddie for hundreds of short audio lessons and exercises produced by Karl and start improving your mental game the same way as six major champions: https://mindcaddie.onelink.me/7xjx/znldwgbi 
    One of the secrets really stood out to me
    Socratic questioning and how being prepared to ‘go into’ the problem you have with your game could actually help find a solution
    What would you ‘need’ to do to slice the ball?
    Can you actually experience what you would need to do to deliberately create the ‘mistake’?
    This area of enquiry was just one of the fascinating topics that we managed to cover in a really wide ranging conversation:
    Why trying to get rid of the ‘ego’ is the ultimate ego trip Playing to your strengths as a coach The uses and misuses of technology Becoming more of a SHOT coach Giving our shots a ‘name’ The problem with ‘Method Coaching’ and why this is perhaps the least effective coaching model The dangers of relying on our memory  
    Nick has had a very long and distinguished coaching career, studying with some of the world’s best coaches like David Leadbetter and then going on to coach top players such as Justin Rose
    He is a deep thinker about the game and is refreshingly honest and forthright in his opinions of what we need to do to get the best from our game
    To find out more about Nick go to
    Get a copy of his latest book ‘The 50 Secrets to Great Golf you don’t know about YET’
    Are you going to take ACTION and become a Certified Mind Factor coach?
    Join us for a wonderful three days in Manchester in November
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    • 55 min
    The Art of ENOUGH – Becky Hall - The Mind Caddie - See the game DIFFERENTLY #316

    The Art of ENOUGH – Becky Hall - The Mind Caddie - See the game DIFFERENTLY #316

    Today on the podcast we are joined by author and executive coach Becky Hall who has written a wonderful book called ‘The Art of Enough’
    Download Mind Caddie for hundreds of short audio lessons and exercises produced by Karl and start improving your mental game the same way as six major champions: https://mindcaddie.onelink.me/7xjx/znldwgbi 
    During a very wide ranging conversation we to a deep dive into the concept of ENOUGH
    What is enough?
    In a world where we it is constantly being reinforced that we are not enough and we need more of just about everything it was so refreshing to chat with Becky and to look through a different lens.
    Are you going to take ACTION and become a Certified Mind Factor coach?
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    We are often overloaded with demands on time How can we get better at focusing our attention on the RIGHT things? The current epidemic of burnout Self doubt and how even the very best can experience this on a regular basis What is REALLY driving the feeling of not being ‘good enough’? Coming from a position of SCARCITY and LACK Needing external validation for what we do Quietening the inner critic and allowing yourself to seek excellence Following a path that really matters to you Mastering and exploring your craft Why ‘Enough’ isn’t just sitting back and doing nothing The need to REST and RESTORE  
    How to avoid the trap of ‘working harder’ in terms of your training as opposed to training efficiently
    Within the theme we have of looking at the game differently Becky provides a refreshingly alternative perspective.
    Nothing in the conversation suggests we shouldn’t aim to maximise our skills but it does mean coming at it from a position of ‘enough’ as opposed to a position of lack.
    Becky Hall is an experienced EMCC executive coach, leadership consultant and facilitator. She has worked one to one with senior leaders and executive teams across all sectors for over twenty years.
    Her new book is called ‘The Art of Enough’
    Contact Becky at
    Are you going to take ACTION and become a Certified Mind Factor coach?
    Join us for a wonderful three days in Manchester in November
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    • 52 min
    How much is your environment influencing your game? – Andrew Knott #315

    How much is your environment influencing your game? – Andrew Knott #315

    Today I am joined on the show by my good friend and colleague Andrew Knott.
    Andrew is the head professional at the All Thailand Golf Centre in Bangkok which in amazing location dedicated to providing one of the best environments for learning and development in South East Asia.
    Download Mind Caddie for hundreds of short audio lessons and exercises produced by Karl and start improving your mental game the same way as six major champions: https://mindcaddie.onelink.me/7xjx/znldwgbi 
    I met up with Andrew recently when I was asked to speak at the PGA International Conference in Thailand.
    We have known each other for many years and as well as golf we share a passion for the game of cricket.
    Andrew was heavily influenced in his development by the legendary England wicket keeper Alan Knott.
    Are you going to take ACTION and become a Certified Mind Factor coach?
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    He has always had an intense passion for learning and development and has built a very impressive reputation in Asia for being one of the most forward thinking professionals.
    We had a wonderful conversation about the game but not least about the effect of our environment on our game.
    Often an area that gets overlooked as we seek out more and more information about technique
    Who are you spending most of your golf time with? What effect are they having on you? Is the role of the coach being overstated? What do you actually DO with the information you receive? What does a great training environment look like? 150 Tour winners used or trained at Andrews facility What tough environments can do to enhance CREATIVITY What are you trying to achieve and how can your environment do to support that? How can you utilise your own golf course to set some new challenges? The long term benefits of DELIBERATE MISS Make your games relative to what you want to achieve Make sure you PERSONALISE your drills Does your practice session fully ENGAGE you? The balance between working on your strengths and weaknesses A great conversation with a very deep thinker on the game.
    To contact Andrew directly
    Are you going to take ACTION and become a Certified Mind Factor coach?
    Join us for a wonderful three days in Manchester in November
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    • 57 min
    The Athlete’s Ascent – Jayne Storey #314

    The Athlete’s Ascent – Jayne Storey #314

    Today on the show we welcome back a great guest in Jayne Storey who has just published a new book called ‘The athlete’s ascent’.
    Download Mind Caddie for hundreds of short audio lessons and exercises produced by Karl and start improving your mental game the same way as six major champions: https://mindcaddie.onelink.me/7xjx/znldwgbi 
    We had again a wonderful conversation about her work on what it can mean for you and your game.
    Jayne has a wealth of knowledge and experience of martial arts spanning many years. Her work is taken from her own DIRECT experience. Experience gained from DAILY application.
    She has created so many wonderful programs and written numerous books.
    One of her previous books Breath Golf is an absolute must read.
    It is so practical and applicable to the game of golf
    Jayne’s new book explores key principles to get the absolute most from the mind body connection in ALL sports.
    Are you going to take ACTION and become a Certified Mind Factor coach?
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    In particular we discussed the need for a DAILY PRACTICE
    How a meditation practice done on a daily basis can make such a difference to the quality of your mind How to play the game from a quiet mind Why in a world of quick tips and fixes a daily practice is more important than ever How the intellect has been given too much prominence in skill development What to learn and understand from the great masters of martial arts Why the best players in the game are able to let movement emerge As always a fascinating conversation with a really experienced coach who has worked with players at all levels of the game.
    To find out more about Jayne Storey go to

    • 55 min
    The Magic of Journaling – Kent Osborne #313

    The Magic of Journaling – Kent Osborne #313

    Today we have the opportunity to spend some more time with coach Kent Osborne.
    He is the author of the book ‘Scratch Attitude’
    Are you going to take ACTION and become a Certified Mind Factor coach?
    Join us for a wonderful three days in Manchester in November
    Get in touch at https://themindfactor.net/the-certification-course/ 
    Here is a great quote from his website
    "You see … before I  became a golfer I was a pioneer in the executive coaching field, My experience working with professional athletes and corporate leaders revealed this truth: Feelings precede thoughts. Or, to put it differently, you can’t think positive when you feel negative." 
    Kent is a good golfer in his own right and he charts his own personal experiences of the game with a big following of players.
    The first time we spoke it was clear that Kent and I shared many similar trains of thought.
    In particular the importance of JOURNALING
    We had a truly memorable conversation discussing the numerous benefits of being a regular journal taker.
    It is something we have spoken about on this show and promoted heavily in the Mind Caddie app
    We discussed
    The difference between THINKING about gratitude and actually FEELING it The ability to be playful when you are hitting your shots Why journaling can help us to balance out the overload of information that is coming at us in the modern world Why evolution got us to focus on the negative and our mistakes How our thinking patterns become so habitual and how journaling can help shift this Why BALANCE is so important from an evolutionary perspective Why journaling can help us to still get something out of a bad outcome day on the course The ability to develop spontaneous acceptance and to be able to be NEUTRAL to the variety of outcomes. The importance of acknowledging the GOOD shots and the good experiences If this was your LAST round of golf how would you want to experience it? So much of what Kent says is based in real world experience and makes for that most elusive of qualities common sense. When you listen to him you realise just how precious this NEXT opportunity is to play the game.
    Take the plunge and embark on a year of journaling and just see what it can do for your game.
    To find out more about Kent go to his website
    Are you going to take ACTION and become a Certified Mind Factor coach?
    Join us for a wonderful three days in Manchester in November
    Get in touch at

    • 57 min

Customer Reviews

4.8 out of 5
145 Ratings

145 Ratings

thetigger ,

Karl Morris with Raymond Prior

Wow! The Brain Booster continues to excite and bring new ideas and people to the audience. Thank you Raymond. Keep it up Karl - simply the most thought provoking and insightful podcast in this area. Thank you.

DJA125 ,

One of the highlights of the week

Karl Morris is the steady voice of reason in a chaotic world. This is consistently brilliant week in week out.

@dorsetgolfcoach ,

Well Worth a Listen

Enjoyable, informative, easy listening. Often inspiring. Karl very obviously has the experience and expertise to host an array of excellent guests, and uses his skills to translate their information into tangible and practical suggestions, aimed at the masses.

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