42 min

The Family Behind a 5 Year Old’s Dream Come True with New Forest Ice Cream’s Niki Jenman & Christina Veal #73 It Runs In The Family

    • Entrepreneurship

A 5 year old Christina Veal wanted ice cream, a simple request that set the wheels in motion on a 40 year legacy in the form of New Forest Ice Cream.Christina and her sister, Niki Jenman, now head up the business whose charm is tangible in every tasty scoop. These siblings have such undeniable chemistry, and it’s a joy that they shared it with us in this delicious episode of It Runs In The Family!This episode covers:How the brand has evolved since its charming inception in 1983Standout moment...

A 5 year old Christina Veal wanted ice cream, a simple request that set the wheels in motion on a 40 year legacy in the form of New Forest Ice Cream.Christina and her sister, Niki Jenman, now head up the business whose charm is tangible in every tasty scoop. These siblings have such undeniable chemistry, and it’s a joy that they shared it with us in this delicious episode of It Runs In The Family!This episode covers:How the brand has evolved since its charming inception in 1983Standout moment...

42 min