30 min

Who You Need To Sign To Win Your Draft League‪!‬ The FPL Draft Zone

    • Fantasy Sports

Get In Touch By Text - We’d Love To Hear From You! On this week's pod we look ahead to a make-or-break Gameweek 37, as we reach crunch time in the race for those draft league titles!How big should you go on the double gameweek teams, and what impact will it have on your side's chances in Gameweek 38? Which single gameweek teams would you be foolish to ignore on the waivers, and who are the players that can give you the edge over your rivals?Plus there's a returning Fantasy hero of the w...

Get In Touch By Text - We’d Love To Hear From You! On this week's pod we look ahead to a make-or-break Gameweek 37, as we reach crunch time in the race for those draft league titles!How big should you go on the double gameweek teams, and what impact will it have on your side's chances in Gameweek 38? Which single gameweek teams would you be foolish to ignore on the waivers, and who are the players that can give you the edge over your rivals?Plus there's a returning Fantasy hero of the w...

30 min