22 min

The Final Gameweek Of The Season..‪.‬ The FPL Draft Zone

    • Fantasy Sports

Get In Touch By Text - We’d Love To Hear From You! On this week's pod we look back at Gameweek 37 with four games left to play, and then it's all about the final Gameweek of the season! Which teams can you trust to perform when so many sides have nothing to play for, and who are the players who can get you over the line in your draft league? Plus there's heroes, villains and much more!Don't forget to subscribe to the pod and (if you would be so kind) give us a review!We're also on...

Get In Touch By Text - We’d Love To Hear From You! On this week's pod we look back at Gameweek 37 with four games left to play, and then it's all about the final Gameweek of the season! Which teams can you trust to perform when so many sides have nothing to play for, and who are the players who can get you over the line in your draft league? Plus there's heroes, villains and much more!Don't forget to subscribe to the pod and (if you would be so kind) give us a review!We're also on...

22 min